1. Introduction, (i): what antitrust policy is about; the differences between antitrust and economic regulation
2. Introduction, (ii): market power and social welfare. Allocative, production and dynamic efficiency
3. Quantitative issues: how to define the relevant market and how to measure market power
4. Horizontal agreements: collusion, tools for its identification and prevention; pro-competitive horizontal agreements, joint-ventures in R&D, “standard-setting organizations” and “licensing pools”
5. Horizontal concentrations: trade-off between efficiency and market power
6. Vertical agreements and concentrations
7. Price disciìrimination and the objective of market integration in the EU law;
8. Abusive practices:
8.1. Exclusive contracts;
8.2. Discriminatory practices;
8.3. Predatory pricing;
8.4. “Tying” and “bundling”;
8.5. “Price squeeze”, “refusal to deal” and interoperability;
8.6. Excessive pricing.