University of Gabriele d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara
Course of Study for an Degree in Architecture - Single Cycle Degree - Class LM-4
Urban Planning Course Program - A.A. 2019 - 2020
Prof. Antonio Alberto Clemente
CFU: 10.0
Disciplinary Scientific Sector: ICAR/21
Activity Type: B
Year of Course: Second
Period: S2 - Second Semester
The course contents concern the knowledge of the main conceptual and methodological framework of urban planning for the description and interpretation of urban and environmental structures that takes into account the geomorphological characteristics of the territory. The course target is to introduce the students to a methodology for developing a medium-complexity urban planning project.
Neil Brenner, Stato, spazio, urbanizzazione, Guerini scientifica, Milano 2016;
Antonio A. Clemente, Riletture. Città e teorie dell’urbanistica, Kaleidon, Reggio Calabria 2012.
Antonio A. Clemente, Urbanistica senza termini in Cambiamenti. Responsabilità e strumenti per l’urbanistica al servizio del paese, Planum Publisher, Roma- Milano, 2017;
Françoise Choay, La città. Utopie e realtà, Einaudi, Torino 1973 (1965);
Giancarlo De Carlo, Paesaggio con figure (intervista di Francesco Karrer), in Giancarlo De Carlo, Gli spiriti dell’architettura (a cura di Livio Sichirollo), Editori Riuniti, Roma 1992.
Paola Di Biagi (a cura di), I classici dell'urbanistica moderna, Donzelli, Roma 2009;
Falco Luigi, L’indice di fabbricabilità, Utet, Torino 1999;
Patrizia Gabellini, Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma 2001;
L. Gaeta, U. Janin Rivolin, L. Mazza, Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, Città Studi Edizioni, Novara 2018:
- parte terza: Cap. 20 Il progetto urbanistico (pp. 399/411), Cap. 21 I nuovi orientamenti del piano (pp. 413/431);
- parte quarta: Governo del territorio: piani e politiche on line);
Indovina F. (a cura di) con Fregolent L. e Savino M. (2006), Nuovo lessico urbano, Franco Angeli, Milano.
Italia V. (2012), Urbanistica. La pianificazione urbanistica, la normativa edilizia e il governo del territorio, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano.
Secchi Bernardo, Prima lezione di urbanistica, Laterza, Roma – Bari 2000.
Secchi Bernardo, La città dei ricchi e la città dei poveri, Laterza, Roma – Bari 2013.
For the deepening of the topics related to the course we recommend the following web site:
Educational Goals
The course aims to provide the framework of basic knowledge needed to describe and interpret cities, territory and landscape. This general purpose will be pursued through lectures, exercises, laboratory activities and on-site inspections.
The specific aim of the course is to introduce the student to a first experience of urban planning, mainly in the residential area, within which it is possible:
- knowing the main normative references;
- acquiring the skills to interpret the urban context;
- applying the knowledge to develop a medium-complexity urban planning project.
Knowing the fundamentals of the discipline and in particular:
- the main terms of the urban vocabulary;
- the main indexes and parameters;
- the history of the origins of modern urban planning;
- propaedeutic techniques of urban planning.
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures, laboratory activities, on-site inspections and end-of-course project.
The lessons will mainly concern: definitions of urban planning, the process of formation of the contemporary city, the relationship between project and context, introduction to national and regional legislation with particular reference to legislation on urban planning, environment and landscape, suggestions on the main theories on urbanism from Ildefonso Cerdà to Bernardo Secchi.
The laboratory activities are divided into exercises (in the classroom and at home) and intermediate checks.
The exercises pursue the goal of introducing the student to the knowledge of the main urban planning techniques.
There are three intermediate tasks and they are designed to periodically monitor student learning.
The project for the end of the course deals with the topic of urban-scale intervention with particular reference to those areas of Pescara subject to a detailed plan.
Other Information
In order to be able to constantly follow the students’ learning, there are:
- individual and collective reviews to be carried out in the classroom;
- exercises to be carried out in the classroom and at home.
The main topics covered in class will be available on the university portal and on a Facebook page specifically dedicated to the course.
Learning assessment procedures
The exam will relate on an individual interview based on:
- front lessons;
- intermediate tests;
- end of course project.
The vote expressed in thirtieths will consist of the sum of:
- front lessons: 8/30;
- intermediate tests: 8/30;
- end of course project: 14/30.