Expected learning outcomes.
The educational objectives for the student include the achievement by the student of the following learning outcomes:
the course aims to impart the main notions of banking and financial markets law, with particular reference to banks and their activity, banking contracts, payment services, financial intermediation operations, regulation of listed markets and issuers.
Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student must have acquired the knowledge of the main legislative texts on the above subjects and be able to apply them to specific cases.
The course is divided into three modules: the first is dedicated to banking law, the second to financial intermediaries and the third to regulation of markets and public companies.
Module I) Banking law. The sources of banking law. Banks and their activities. The regulation of banking transparency. The bank current account. The bank deposit. The opening of credit. The banking anticipation. The bank discount. Other banking services. Payment services.
Module II) Financial market law: the regulation of financial firms and intermediaries. Financial products, financial instruments and securities. The investment services regulation. The collective savings management. The supervisory authorities. The crisis of banks and investment firms. Out-of-court dispute resolution systems.
Module III) The market regulation. The regulation of issuers. The initial public offerings. The takeover bids. Company information. The regulation of public companies.
Module I) G.F. CAMPOBASSO, Diritto commerciale - Vol III: contratti, titoli di credito, procedure concorsuali, UTET, last edition (only Chapters XII, XIII e XIV).
Module II and III) F. ANNUNZIATA, La disciplina del mercato mobiliare, Giuffrè, last edition (excepted Chapter XVII).
The constant consultation of a civil code with connected laws (in particular, t.u.b. and t.u.f.) is recommended: G. DE NOVA, Codice civile e leggi collegate, Zanichelli, last edition.
Frontal lessons.
The exam consists of one or more preliminary and optional written tests and a final interview.
The final evaluation, expressed in thirtieths, takes into account both the preliminary written tests (which are not compulsory) and the final interview.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: in the exam, the student must demonstrate that he has acquired the main concepts and legal rules of the subject and is able to use them in solving concrete problems.