1-1 Broadman Area 4; cortical motor neuron; cortico-bulb-spinal; nuclei of the cranial nerves;
1-2 Alpha spinal motor neuron; motor neuron range; diastalic arc monosynaptic reflex; polysynoptic reflex;
1-3 Alterations of voluntary motility in cortical, capsular, brain stem, midollar lesions;
1-4 Changes in monosynoptic and polysynoptic reflexes;
1-5 Appearance of pathological reflexes (Babinski's sign);
1-6 Motor sincinesias;
1-7 Alterations in muscle tone in cortico-spinal lesions;
1-8 Alterations of muscle trophism in alpha motor neuron lesions;
2- Anatomical structures of the extrapylamydal system;
2- Characteristic signs of changes in postural tone in extrapyridal lesions;
2- Alterations of voluntary movement in extrapylamydal lesions acinesia, bradykinesia;
2- Involuntary movements: static tremor, choreic, athetosic, hemiballic movements;
2- Myoclonias;
2- Emblematic syndromes from injury of the extrapylamydal system;
a) Malattia di Parkinson; b) Corea di Huntington, Corea di Sydenham; Sindromi coreiche;
2- Anatomical structures of the cerebellar system;
2- Mechanisms for regulating motor coordination;
2- Cerebellar ataxia
2- Vermian syndromes; Cerebellar hemispherical syndromes
3- Structures of the peripheral nerve (plexus roots, nerves) of plaque and striated fiber;
3- Physiology of the nerve impulse: conduction rate; electromyographic aspects of the neurogenic lesion;
3- Mononeurites, Polineurites, Multineurites, Plessites, Polyradicoloneurite by Guillain Barrè, Stroke;
3- Physiology of neuromuscular plaque: electrical, biochemical aspects;
3- Syndromes from impaired plaque function: myastheria gravis and myasthesa syndromes;
3- Thomsen myottonia and Steinert myotonic dystrophy;
3- Anatomy and physiology of striated muscle fibrocell;
3- Congenital muscular dystrophy;
3- Metabolic myopathies;
3- Myositis and polymyositis
4- Anatomical structures involved in cns nerve impulse transmission:
psychic root, midollar bundles, specific nuclei of the thalama, psychic cortex;
4- Visual afferences;
4- Acoustic and vestibular afferences;
4- Sensitive syndromes (and related motors) in midollar lesions: e.g. Brown Sequard syndrome;
4- Sensitive syndromes (and related motors) in talamic lesions: e.g. Levy–Roussy syndrome;
4- Sensitive syndromes from lesion of the necked body;
4- Parietal lobe lesion syndromes;
4- Lesions syndromes of the way and visual cortex: instrumental aspects;
4- Vestibular injury syndromes: instrumental aspects.
5- Organization of the study plan of a patient with symbolic function disorders: tests of language, mnesics and other cortical functions;
5- Broca, Wernicke, conduction, motor and sensitive transcorticals;
5- Disarthria and other disorders of the articulation of language;
5- Gnosies: visual, acoustic, somesthetic;
5- Praesietics: melokinetics, ideomotor, ideative, etc.
5- Abnormalities of the body pattern;
5- Memory and mnesiac disorders: clinical mediators involved;
5- Dementia: presenili (e.g. Alzheimer's disease - AD, Lewy Body Dementia) and senile.
6- Physiological sleep in its various stages: neurophysiological and biochemical aspects;
6- Diseases that cause focal neurological signs and alterations of consciousness;
6- Diseases that cause alterations of consciousness without focal neurological signs;
6- Akinetic mutism and apallic syndrome;
7- Physiopathogenesis of epileptic seizures: neurophysiological activation systems;
7- Methodological basis for the detection of an irritative outbreak;
7- Semeiology of convulsive generalized community crises;
7- Semeiology of generalized non-convulsive community crises;
7- Semeiology of partial community crises or simple semeiology;
7- Semeiology of partial community crises or complex semeiology;
7- Non-epileptic critical episodes: enuresis, narcolepsy, Pickwick's disease;
7- Syncopes and disorders of vegetative origin;
7- Anti-epileptic drugs and their side effects;
7- Instrumental surveys: EEG, TAC.
8- Anatomical organization of the cerebral and medullary circle;
8- District ischemic syndromes, including those of the brain stem;
8- Diffuse and multinfartual ischemic syndromes;
8- Hypertensive encephalopathy;
8- Su4racnoid hemorrhage;
8- Brain aneurysms;
8- Meningeal suffering syndrome;
9- Bacterial and viral meningitis;
9- Viral encephalitis: herpolytic encephalitis;
9- Chronic inflammatory encephalitis: SSPE, Progressive Rubella Panencephalitis, PML, Prion diseases;
9- Demyelinating vaccination encephalopathies;
9- Multiple sclerosis;
10- Semeiology of endocranial hypertension syndrome;
10- Hypertensive hydrocephalus; normotensive hydrocephalus;
10- Spinal cerebro liquor; rachicentesis;
10- Cerebral abscess;
10- Semeiology of medullary compression syndrome;
10- Disal hernias and extramidollar processes;
10- Spondylo-arthrosis myelopathies;; Mielopatie