1. Introduction to the Course (1 hour).
1.1 Course program: presentation of lectures and seminars.
2. The Special Senses (8 hours).
2.1 Chemical senses (smell and taste): anatomo-functional organization of the olfactory system; physiological mechanisms of the transduction of olfactory signals; central olfactory pathways: olfactory bulb, olfactory pathways and cortical processing of information; anatomical-functional organization of the gustatory system; taste receptor cells and proteins; central gustatory pathways, coding and signal transduction.
2.2 Eye and vision: general principles of optics; anatomical-functional organization of the eye; photo-transduction mechanisms; visual sensitivity and acuity; color vision; retinal circuits; response of cells to different lighting conditions; central visual pathways; field of view.
2.3 Ear and hearing: general principles of acoustics; anatomical-functional organization of the auditory system; the mechanical-electrical transduction of sound; ionic bases of mechano-transduction in hair cells; central auditory pathways; auditory cortex.
2.4 Vestibular system: anatomo-functional organization of the vestibular system; static and dynamic balance; otoliths and semicircular canals; vestibular nerve pathways; vestibulo-ocular reflex; central pathways to the thalamus and cortex.
3. Motor Control (10 hours).
3.1 Hierarchical organization of motor control systems; types of movement.
3.2 The spinal cord as the center of reflexes; proprioceptors (joint receptors, neuromuscular spindles, Golgi tendon organs); motor efferences of the spinal cord; concept of myotatic unity and reciprocal inhibition; spinal reflex arches; spinal rhythm generators: locomotion and biomechanics of walking; muscle stiffness; the step cycle; nerve control of locomotion.
3.3 Voluntary movement: nerve centers responsible for movement; relationship between motor neurons and muscles; somatotopic organization of motor neurons; motor program.
3.4 Organization and planning of movement: primary motor cortex, posterior parietal cortex and premotor cortex; mirror neurons.
3.5 Modulation of movement by the brain stem and spinal cord: lateral and medial descending motor pathways; posture, balance and visual orientation; common final way.
3.6 Modulation of movement by the basal nuclei: anatomy and functional organization of the basal ganglia; afferents and efferences of the basal ganglia; saccadic movements of the eyes; direct and indirect pathways of the basal ganglia; via dopaminergic.
3.7 Modulation of movement by the cerebellum: anatomy and functional organization of the cerebellum; afferents and efferences of the cerebellum; basic cerebellar circuits; control of the cerebellum on voluntary movement.
3.8 Memory and learning: definitions. Memory: locations, mechanisms, neurobiological basis of short and long term memory; role of the hippocampus; long term potentiation (LTP). Associative learning and conditioned learning. Procedural learning and procedural memory; stages of motor learning, role of the cerebellum in motor learning; striatal circuit and cerebellar circuit.
4. Introduction to the Endocrine System (3 hours).
4.1 Short and long distance intracellular communication; communicating junctions; contact dependent signals; autocrine and paracrine signals; long-distance, blood and nervous communication; neuro-transmitters and hormones.
4.2 What Makes a Chemical a Hormone; hormone-receptor interaction, signal transduction and termination; classification of hormones into peptide-protein, steroid, and amino; mechanisms of release, transport and action of the different classes of hormones; mechanisms of action of lipophilic and lipophobic hormones; differences between ionotropic and metabotropic receptors; signal transduction mechanisms used by G-protein-coupled receptors and tyrosine kinases; intracellular receptors and genomic effect.
4.3 Hormones of the anterior pituitary (PRL, TSH, ACTH, GH, FSH, LH); posterior pituitary hormones (oxytocin and vasopressin); control of the anterior pituitary by the hypothalamus; the hypothalamic-pituitary portal system; negative feedback circuits.
5. Kidney and Hydro-Electrolytic Balance (7 hours).
5.1 Introduction to the urinary system: urinary tract and kidney; main functions of the kidneys; cortex and medulla; the nephron: tubular elements and vascular elements; structure of the renal corpuscle.
5.2 The nephron: the four fundamental processes (filtration, reabsorption, secretion, excretion); filtration fraction; filtration pressure; self-regulation of glomerular filtration rate: myogenic response and tubulo-glomerular feedback; reabsorption (e.g. sodium, glucose, urea); concept of renal transport saturation: maximum and threshold transport; clearance; urination.
5.3 Water and electrolyte balance: water balance and the role of the kidney in its regulation; vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone; countercurrent exchange in the medulla of the kidney; sodium and potassium balance and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway; behavioral mechanisms in the hydro-electrolyte balance: thirst, appetite for salt, avoidance of heat.
5.4 Acid-base balance: blood buffer systems, ventilation, renal regulation of H + and HCO3-; the kidney buffer systems; function of intercalated cells of type A and B of the collecting duct.
6. Energy Balance and Metabolism (5 hours + 1 seminar).
6.1 Hypothalamic centers of eating behavior: center of hunger and center of satiety; appetite signals: ghrelin and neuropeptide Y; satiety signals: leptin and insulin; glucostatic theory and lipostatic theory.
6.2 Energy balance: incoming and outgoing energy; direct calorimetry and indirect calorimetry; oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production and respiratory quotient; factors affecting oxygen consumption.
6.3 Body metabolism: anabolic and catabolic pathways; state of absorption or assimilation; post-absorption or post-assimilative state; the processes underlying the use and storage of energy (glycogenosynthesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, lipogenesis, lipolysis, and protein synthesis).
6.4 Role of the pancreas in the homeostatic control of metabolism: insulin and glucagon in states of satiety and fasting; response of the pancreas to blood glucose levels; binding of insulin to the receptor and signal transduction; insulin and glucose transport in muscle, adipose tissue and liver; type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
(Seminar 1).
7. Thermal Balance and Body Temperature Regulation (3 hours + 1 seminar).
7.1 Energy balance and the cost of thermogenesis; metabolic efficiency in the transfer of energy to glycogen and fat deposits.
7.2 Thermal balance, a balance between heat gain and loss; heat production: thermogenesis with thrill and without thrill; heat entry: radiation and conduction; heat loss: conduction, radiation, convection and evaporation.
7.3 Control of body temperature by the hypothalamus: the center of thermoregulation; peripheral and central temperature receptors; spino-thalamic sensory pathways; the thermoregulatory reflex: mechanisms of vasodilation, vasoconstriction, and sweating.
(Seminar 2).
8. Endocrine Control of Metabolism and Growth (4 hours).
8.1 Adrenal glucocorticoids: ACTH and control of cortisol secretion; effects of cortisol on target organs / tissues; pharmacological use of cortisol; hyper-cortisolism and hypo-cortisolism.
8.2. Thyroid hormones: mechanisms of synthesis of thyroid hormones by the follicles; release, transport and effect on the tissues of T3 and T4; TSH and control of T3 and T4 release; hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
8.3 Growth hormone (GH): GHRH and GHIH and the control of GH release; effect of GH on organs and main target tissues; GH and role in growth.
8.4 Soft tissue and bone growth: hyperplasia and hypertrophy; linear accretion of long bones; importance of calcium in bone growth; role of osteoclasts and osteoblasts in bone remodeling.
8.5 Role and balance of calcium in the body: the three hormones that regulate the balance of calcium (parathormone, calcitriol and calcitonin); osteoporosis and bone loss.
9. Applied Physiology: muscular, cardiovascular and ventilator adaptations to exercise (3 hours + 2 seminars).
9.1 Concept of chronic and acute adaptations to physical exercise; VO2max: what it depends on and how it varies with aerobic exercise; training zone for VO2max.
9.2 Acute ventilator adaptations to physical exercise: changes in ventilation; relationship between ventilation and partial pressures of oxygen and alveolar and blood carbon dioxide; relationship between blood lactic acid, pH and hyperventilation.
9.3 Acute cardiovascular adaptations to exercise: changes in heart rate and systolic volume; changes in the pressure-volume curve of the left ventricle; venous return and Frank-Starling law; redistribution of blood flow; arterial pressure changes.
9.4 Chronic cardiovascular adaptations to exercise (effects of training): structural adaptations of the myocardium (eccentric and concentric hypertrophy); changes in systolic output, output and heart rate.
10. The Integrative Seminars (4 hours).
The Human Physiology course of the Master's this year will also include a cycle of 4 seminars, which will be held within the normal teaching hours, in the second part of the course, and whose date will be communicated from time to time at least one week in advance. .