PHYSICS: Dimensions and units of measure of the physical quantities. Vectors and operations with vectors. Kinematics of a particle: displacement, speed and acceleration. Rectilinear and curvilinear motion. Dynamics of a particle: The strength and moment of a force - Statics and Levers - Newton's laws - Momentum - Principle of conservation of momentum - Moment of momentum. Work and energy: Work of a force - Kinetic and potential energy - Conservative forces - Conservation of mechanical energy. Collisions. Dynamics of a rigid body: Translation and rotation - Moment of inertia - Equation of motion for the rotation of a rigid body - Kinetic energy of rotation. Ideal fluids: Density and pressure - Pascal's law - Stevino's law - Archimede's principle - Continuity equation - Bernoulli's equation - Venturi's pipe. Real fluids: Viscosity - Laminar flow - Newton's law - Poiseuille's law - Turbulent flow. Thermology and Thermodynamics: Thermometric Scales - Thermal expansion, thermal capacity and specific heats - Heat transmission - Laws of perfect gases - Equation of state of perfect gases - State of a thermodynamic system - Work - Cycles - First and second principle of thermodynamics.
INFORMATICS: Introduction to Computer Science: Information, Algorithms, Motivation for the use of computers. The Personal Computer (PC): CPU, Memory, Bus, Interfaces, Peripherals. The Operating System (SO): Purposes, uses and functionality. Layered structure, User interfaces. DOS, Windows, Linux operating systems. Introduction to programming. Viruses. The binary system. Digital images. Applicative programs: Word, Excel, Power Point. Examples of specific programs for the study of human movement. Computer Networks: Preliminary Notions. Internet: addresses, http protocol. World Wide Web: Basic principles, hypertext, hypermedia documents. Implementation of WWW: the browser, the servers. Internet application protocols: e-mail, newsgroups.