Elements of anatomy and physiology: venous and arterial district, capillaries, heart, cardiac phases, cardiac mechanics, cardiac tones, systolic cardiac output, blood pressure, venous return, cardiac electrical activity, conduction tissue. Einthoven triangle, electrocardiogram, ECG utility, electrical derivatives, phases, projection. Evaluation of the circulation: pulse, skin appearance, blood pressure, other signs and symptoms. Chest pain: characteristics, angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, chest pain score. ECG execution: indications, material required, preliminary activities, procedure, leads (subdivision and position), most common errors (artifacts, incorrect positioning of the electrodes, dextrocardia), correct setting of the electrocardiograph (card speed, calibration), correct identification of waves, rate calculation, rhythm: irregular, sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, ventricular tachycardia, extrasystole. Interpretation of the ECG by the nurse: skills. Types of rhythm: physiological and pathological. Various types of BAV. Various types of PM on ECG. Conduction disturbances. Ventricular and atrial disturbances. ECG in acute coronary syndromes (AMI, angina, ST segment elevations). Assistance to person with cardiomyopathy: definition of the pathology, application of the nursing process: application in the various phases.
Assistance to patients with acute and chronic heart failure: definition of the pathology, application of the nursing process: application in the various phases, related pathologies (pulmonary oedema, pulmonary embolism, pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade (pericardiocentesis), health education for heart patients (function nurse education, fagerstrom test) Cardiovascular prevention nursing practice: nursing skills Clinical case with application of the nursing process.
Assistance to patients with rhythm disturbances: arrhythmias (origin and type), application of the nursing process: application in the various phases. Definition of: syncope, palpitations. Management of the patient with heart rhythm disturbances: atrial fibrillation (interimistic interventions, holter ecg, loop recorder), ventricular fibrillation (therapy, defibrillation with various types and various maneuvers), pharmacological cardioversions, ventricular arrhythmias, heart blocks with nursing evaluation of the ECG. Pacemaker: application of the nursing process, when needed, NASPE-BPEG code, failure of the PMK. Implantable defibrillation: definition, structure, types, implant procedure, nursing interventions with application of the nursing process. Health education plan. Cardiac arrest: diagnosis, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), rhythm, chain of survival, protocol. Chest pain: definition, onset, duration, triage, parameters, chest pain score, application of the nursing process, ergometry (nursing interventions in the various phases), echocardiography (nursing interventions in the various phases), kineventric locoronarography (nursing interventions in the various phases) ), choronography (nursing interventions in the various phases, percutaneous transluminal coronary hagioplasty (definition, objective), thrombolysis (definition, alteplase, nursing interventions in the various phases). Nursing care and application of the nursing process to the patient with: angina pectoris, ima.
Elements of anatomy and physiology. Signs and symptoms of urinary pathologies (definition, symptoms, etiology). Nephrological syndromes (recognition and tests). Urination disorders: incontinence (causes, nursing assessment and intervention, symptoms), anuria (causes, nursing assessment and intervention), other disorders.
Urinary tract function tests:
Urinary tests: chemical-physical (procedure), culture (procedure), 24h collection, collection in extemporaneous catheterization, collection in patient with bladder catheterization. Blood tests: creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, glomerular filtration rate. Instrumental examinations: cystoscopy (indications, application of the nursing process), renal biopsy (indications, application of the nursing process, complications).
Renal insufficiency, acute and chronic. Acute renal failure: symptoms, pre-renal causes, renal causes, post-renal causes, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment. Chronic renal failure: definition, causes - risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, dietary advice, replacement therapy (kidney transplant, hemodialysis). Dialysis: definition, complications, nursing assistance throughout the dialysis session. Permanent vascular access: arteriovenous fistula (function, complications, peri-operative care, application of the nursing process, cannulation, puncture technique, patient health education), central venous catheter for dialysis (structural characteristics, types, management protocol nursing, complications), totally implanted central venous access (CVC, dressings). Application of the nursing process to the dialysis patient (5 factors for renal rehabilitation, physical examination, nursing diagnosis, nutrition, complications). Living on dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis: definition, indications, application of the nursing process. The dialysis fluid. The peritoneal catheter (structure, dimensions, management). CAPD. APD extension. Infectious and non-infectious complications in peritoneal dialysis. Peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis (indications, application of the nursing process, various types of infection). Kidney transplantation (definitions, types, tests for transplantation, anti-rejection therapy, side effects)
Urinary tract infections: definitions, symptoms, application of the nursing process, prevention in people with bladder catheters. Litasis of the urinary tract (urolithiasis and nephrolithiasis): symptoms, clinical manifestations, application of the nursing process. Urostomies: definition, pros and cons. Cystostomy: definition. Percutaneous nephrostomy: definition. Ureterocutaneousostomy: definition. Acute renal failure: application of the nursing process. Chronic renal insufficiency: definition, health education, nutrition, fluid control.
Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. Virginia Henderson: metaparadigm and theory of needs. Signs and symptoms of respiratory system diseases: signs and symptoms, dyspnoea, medical research council (MRC) dyspnoea scale, cough and its characteristics, haemoptysis. Chest pain: according to the origin, fingers in "drumstick", cyanosis. Breath and its characteristics: alteration, application of the nursing process. Tactile vocal thrill. Percussion, palpation, breath sounds.
Diagnostic evaluation. Pulmonary function tests: spirometry (definition), blood gas analysis (definition and parameters), pulse oximetry (definition), diagnostic imaging (chest x-ray, CAT scan, MRI, pulmonary angiography, lung scintigraphy, PET,), bronchoscopy (definition, application of the nursing process), thoracentesis (definition, application of the nursing process),
Oxygen therapy: purposes, indications, locations and selection criteria, general principles, safety standards, sources of distribution, methods of administration (low-flow and high-flow systems), aerosol therapy.
Respiratory failure: definition, diagnosis, classification, signs and symptoms. Acute: definition, values, symptoms. Chronic: definition, nursing assessment, blood gas analysis, pulse oximeter (monitoring, detection sites), application of the nursing process. COPD: definition, morbidity and mortality in Italy, clinical picture, risk factors, classification, pathophysiological alterations, airway flow limitation, summary of pathophysiological mechanisms, etiology. Pulmonary vascular disease: pathophysiological mechanisms, inflammation, endothelin and pulmonary vascular remodeling. IRA in COPD: pneumothorax, microthromboembolism, functional repercussions. Respiratory insufficiency: signs and symptoms, clinical progression, therapeutic strategies, oxygen therapy, treatment indications, hospital treatment. COPD patient care: definition, symptoms, objective findings, applications of the nursing process with various diagnoses. Assistance to the patient with oxygen therapy: in the various types of ventilation. Definition of the various types of invasive and non-invasive ventilation (CPAP of various types, BIPAP, NIV) and application of the nursing process, pros and cons. Nursing care of patients with oxygenation disorders: factors affecting oxygenation, mechanisms causing malfunction, restrictive pulmonary disease, atelectasis, infectious pulmonary disease. The person with oxygen deficiency: history, physical examination, hypoxia, cyanosis, application of the nursing process to the main nursing diagnoses.
Nursing care for patients with airway diseases: application of the nursing process to the main nursing diagnoses. Upper airway infections, foreign body obstructions, epistaxis, laryngeal cancer (application of the nursing process applied to the main nursing diagnoses), tracheostomy. Lower airway disease: symptoms and application of the nursing process. Polio, tuberculosis: symptoms and application of the nursing process. CDC: Purpose, Standard Precaution, Mode of Transmission, Face Filters, and Other PPE.