Knowledge and understanding
The main objective of the course is to provide students with the basic economic tools needed to analyse the determinants, the nature and the effects of innovation. The course fits the context of the degree in Scienze Giuridiche per l’Internazionalizzazione e l’innovazione delle Imprese (Giur.Inn) by providing economic knowledge and skills useful to understand the institutional and market framework whereby firm activities take place, particularly innovation activities, so as to be able to tackle complex situations and to elaborate innovative strategies from an interdisciplinary perspective. The acquired competences are also susceptible to make the graduate in Scienze Giuridice capable to use the legal tools aimed at protecting products and services with a relevant innovative component and to address legal questions related to digital technologies with a greater awareness of the underlying economic dynamics. They are functional to various job responsibilities: from internal general counsel, to the expert in euro-projects and law of new technologies, to positions of responsibility within chambers of commerce, professional associations and local development offices, to professional and consulting activities.
Autonomous judgement
Particular attention will be devoted to the practical application of the main economic concepts illustrated, so as to stimulate the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in real contexts with a higher degree of complexity with respect to textbook examples and critical spirit. Moreover, the tools needed to read and interpret economic data relevant to the innovative context will be provided.
Written and oral communication abilities
The course aims to provide students with the ability to correctly use the economic terminology, to effectively communicate and to autonomously organize their reasoning on topics related to innovation and new technologies, so as to be able to interact effectively with economists and technicians in an interdisciplinary context.