The course aims to study and deepen the languages of architectural design (historical and contemporary) and the relationships that representation generates with the creative expression of the project and with digital techno-cultures. Further objectives include the study of the main architectural representation techniques throughout the history of design and the knowledge of digital communication tools of architecture, also through the experimentation of contemporary hypermedia languages, parametric design and BIM.
Scientific foundations, tools and methods of representation; the concept of projection; fundamental bodies of representation; the method of double orthogonal projections, the method of quoted planes, axonometry and perspective. Architectural and urban survey; detection tools and methods. The concept of measure; metrology. The graphing of arches and vaults. The concept of proportion. Drawing and project. The graphic scale. The project design; the representation of the preliminary, definitive and executive project. The design of the construction details. Visual communication; animations. 3D digital representation, representation and simulation, BIM, parametric design techniques, the Digital Twin, the use of artificial intelligence.
The course aims to enrich and complete the preparation acquired by students in previous years with respect to three main issues: 1) the scientific foundations of representation, i.e. the theory and applications of descriptive geometry with particular reference to its four traditional methods: double orthogonal projections, central projections (perspective); axonometric projections; the listed projections; 2) architectural and urban survey and the use of related digital instruments such as GPS, laser scanner and total station; 3) the project design, in its various declinations, at a preliminary, definitive and executive level, both on an architectural and urban scale; but also the techniques of design communication and BIM.
During the semester there will be ex-cathedra lectures, meetings dedicated to theoretical insights, workshops carried out in groups and collegial reviews of the results as they are produced. The course is intended as a drawing workshop in which students are required to work together in the classroom from the very first meetings. From a theoretical point of view, students are invited to deepen the lessons and to read the texts indicated in the bibliography which will be illustrated, commented and discussed in the classroom.
The theme of the year, dedicated to the design of cities, will be presented in one of the first meetings of the course and will offer students the opportunity to experience their own learning levels in particular with respect to 3D digital modeling and BIM. In continuity with what has been experimented in previous academic years, the work aims at the representation of cities and their planning: representation understood as a tool of knowledge and, above all, as the main tool of design activity.
The texts in the bibliography will be presented in detail, and possibly integrated, during the course.
For the lessons, the following texts are recommended:
AA.VV., Proporzione in Enc. Universale dell’Arte, Istituto Geografico De Agostini, Novara 1983.
Argan G.C., Progettazione, in Enc. Universale dell’Arte, Istituto Geografico De Agostini, Novara 1983.
Damish H., L’origine della prospettiva, Guida, Napoli 1992.
Docci M., Manuale di Disegno architettonico, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1990.
Docci M., Maestri D., Storia del rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1993.
Docci M., Maestri D., Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.
Docci M., Migliari R., Scienza della rappresentazione, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma 1992.
Gioseffi D., Prospettiva in Enc. Universale dell’Arte, Istituto Geografico De Agostini, Novara 1983.
Maldonado T., Reale e virtuale, Feltrinelli, Milano 1992.
Marino G., Il disegno delle città nuove del XXI secolo, tesi di dottorato in Sistemi terrestri e ambienti costruiti, tutor Livio Sacchi,
Panofski E., La prospettiva come “forma simbolica” e altri scritti, Feltrinelli, Milano 1973.
Sacchi L., L’idea di rappresentazione, Kappa, Roma 1994.
Sacchi L., Disegno in Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Appendice 2000, Roma 1999.
Sacchi L., Il mestiere di architetto, Letteraventidue, Siracusa 2021.
Sacchi L., Unali M. (a cura di), Architettura e cultura digitale, Skira, Milano 2003.
Scolari M., Elementi per una storia dell’axonometria, in “Casabella”, n. 500, marzo 1984.
Unali M., Abitare virtuale significa rappresentare, Kappa, Roma 2008.
Unali M., Atlante dell’abitare virtuale, Gangemi, Roma 2014.
The following texts are recommended for the workshops:
Sacchi L., Metropoli. Il disegno delle città, Gangemi, Roma 2017.
Sacchi L., Metropoli. Il disegno delle città 2, Gangemi, Roma 2018.
Sacchi L., Il futuro delle città, La nave di Teseo, Milano 2019.
The Architectural Design course (8 credits) of prof. Livio Sacchi consists of a series of ex cathedra lessons, for which the active participation of students is expected in the form of a debate, and a series of graphic workshops in the classroom and at home to be carried out in groups of two / three students.
The oral exam consists of a discussion lasting about 20 minutes in which the candidate exposes the graphics produced; the teacher asks questions related to theoretical aspects related to the topics addressed in the teaching and reported in the detailed program of the course. The test, as a whole, is aimed at ascertaining the levels of knowledge and graphics skills achieved by the student. It also allows you to verify the student's communication skills, who are asked to express themselves with language properties, as well as the ability to apply the skills acquired to architectural and urban design. The final mark of the exam will be expressed out of thirty, taking into account the evaluations obtained in the graphic part and in the oral exam.
The Architectural Drawing course is held in the second semester and uses an online platform that contains the program and teaching materials for lessons and exercises. The course also uses a Facebook group for the exchange of information between teacher, tutor and students.