(knowledge and understanding):
The course addresses the topics of happiness economics and well-being, providing the main tools for economic, psychological, and sociological analysis, both in terms of theory and key aspects of public policies. The course is based on the study of the classical framework and the most recent findings in the field. From an educational standpoint, the course includes traditional lectures supported by slides and any documents, data, and statistics that can help understand the economic phenomena being studied.
(applying knowledge and understanding):
The student is required to assimilate knowledge and be able to use and apply it in reference to the subjects exposed during the lectures. In particular, socioeconomic phenomena capable of influencing people's happiness and well-being in different social and environmental contexts. Case study analysis will be conducted with the assistance of appropriate data and quantitative indicators drawn from statistics and official documents. This approach will allow for the verification of the student's acquired skills in economic analysis, data representation, and interpretation for describing fundamental elements and conditions conducive to the promotion of happiness and public well-being
(making judgements):
The study of happiness economics requires learning that pertains to the role of social relationships, health status, and their connections with income. Therefore, the student should be able to assess and analyze differences in well-being determinants based on individual characteristics and demonstrate a sufficient degree of independent judgment, particularly through the comparison of emblematic cases presented.
(communication skills): The course aims to equip students with adequate communication skills, with a particular focus on the technical language of the subject, communication, the key research findings in the field, and the ability to effectively convey acquired knowledge in written and oral form.
(learning skills):
Throughout the course, the student's learning ability will be duly observed, with an effort to find the most suitable solutions to make the adopted teaching methodology effective. The assessment of this descriptor takes place both during the educational activities (lectures, exercises) and in the final examination