1) Knowledge of testing methods for soil and rock characterization in seismic areas by means of in field and laboratory tests.
2) Learning quantitative procedure to estimate co-seismic effects (local amplification, liquefaction, instability) to be used for drawing microzonation maps and to assess local seismic hazard and risk.
This module provides the students with operational methods and approaches for the surficial deposit characterization of their dynamic behaviors. They will enable the future geologists to measure and calculate the parameters needed to make quantitative estimations of co-seismic effects within the urban centers.
The multidisciplinary approach presented during the course enables the student to get independent in choosing and using the most effective testing methods according to the geological and lithological conditions of a site.
Seismo-tectonics and seismology elements. Introduction to Strong Motion parameters and methods to calculate them. Seismic hazard analyses by deterministic and probabilistic methods. Experimental evidence and theoretical constitutive law describe the seismic soil and rock behavior. In field and laboratory devices to perform seismic characterization of superficial deposits. Introduction to the Italian Technical building code (NTC18). Procedures for quantitative seismic microzoning in urban areas (with respect to local amplification, slope instability, and liquefaction phenomena). Numerical training on seismic amplification effects, safety factor against liquefaction, safety factor, and liquefaction potential calculation of seismically excited slopes.
Kramer, S.L. (1996). Geotechnical earthquake engineering, Prentice-Hall, New York.
G. Lanzo e F. Silvestri (1999). Risposta sismica locale. Teoria ed esperienze. Collana Hevelius.
NTC08/18. Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (DM 14 gennaio 2008).
DPC (2008). Indirizzi e criteri per la microzonazione sismica.
Appunti di lezione e articoli internazionali, costituiranno parte integrante del materiale didattico.
Teaching lessons (supported by slides, digital material and explanations on the blackboard) and exercise activities (written exercises and in lab or in field testings).
Partialised exams during the semester and a final oral exam
The attendance is not mandatory but warmly recommended.