- F. Ciotti – G. Roncaglia, Il mondo digitale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2006, only the following parts (including the boxes, unless differently advised): introduzione; capp. I (excluding the boxes at pp. 41-44); II; III; IV (excluding the box at pp. 106-107) up to p. 109 (‘Telecomunicazioni e computer’ included); V: only pp. 137-153 and 159-170; VI: only pp. 181-191 (up to ‘Dal reale al virtuale e ritorno’ to be excluded); VII; VIII: pp. 279-285, 288-298; IX: 321-325; X: 364-369, 373-386;
- F. Tomasi, Metodologie informatiche e discipline umanistiche, Roma, Carocci, 2008.
Additional, not mandatory reading suggestions will be provided during the course.
Other texts for the exam can be agreed upon on other on the basis of specific interests.