Program for students who take the exam for 6 academic credits
1. A manual to be chosen from the following:
- Simona Colarizi, Storia del Novecento italiano, BUR
- Giovanni Sabbatucci e Vittorio Vidotto, Il Novecento, Laterza
- Or a good manual of Contemporary History, regarding Italian history of the twentieth century of secondary School, to to be agreed with the professor.
2. Stefano Biguzzi, L'orchestra del duce, Utet
3. A third volume to be chosen from the following:
- Renzo De Felice, Breve storia del fascismo, Mondadori
- Emilio Gentile, Il fascismo in tre capitoli, Laterza
- Emilio Gentile, Mussolini contro Lenin, Laterza, 20183
- Claudio G. Segrè, Italo Balbo, Il Mulino
- Pier Giorgio Zunino, L’ideologia del fascismo. Miti, credenze e valori nella stabilizzazione del regime, Il Mulino
The curriculum aims at analyzing the economic, diplomatic and cultural relations between the Soviet regime and the Fascist one, starting from 1924 until the war against Soviet Union in 1941.
Furthermore a particular attention will be given to social policies carried on by the two regimes, taking into account similarities and differences.
Acquiring the following skills: grasping a connection of events;
making comparisons.
Developing a critical attitude towards the matter
Learning and dealing with the most important issues of Italian history, particularly referred to the fascist regime.
Studying in deep some social aspects of the fascist and Soviet regimes
Making comparisons about the social policies
Analyzing and comparing fascist and Soviet Welfare States.