1) Introduction (ore geology and critical minerals);
2) Ore textures;
3) Magmatic ore formation systems: ore-forming processes in magmatic systems, LREE and HFSE deposits in carbonatites, chromite deposits, Ni-Cu sulfide deposits in gabbroic intrusions, Ni sulfides deposits in komatiites, PGE (Ni, Cu) deposits in layered (ultra)mafic intrusive complexes, rare elements deposits in pegmatites, diamond deposits in kimberlites and lamproites;
4) Hydrothermal ore deposits: hydrothermal processes, magmatic-hydrothermal systems (porphyry deposits, greisen deposits, skarn deposits, epithermal Au deposits, volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, orogenic Au deposits, iron-oxide-copper-gold deposits), sedimentary hydrothermal systems (Mississippi Valley Type Pb-Zn deposits, sedimentary-exhalative Pb-Zn(-Ag) deposits, kupferschiefer or red-bed Cu deposits, U deposits);
5) Ore deposits formed in sedimentary environments: hydrogenic deposits (iron formations, Mn deposits, phosphate deposits, evaporites), ore deposits in clastic sedimentary environments (placers);
6) Supergene and residual systems;
7) Ore mining, mineral processing, extractive metallurgy;
8) Critical metals (REE+Y, Nb-Ta, Sb);
9) Environmental impact of mining industry and recycling;
10) Macroscopic observation of ore rocks.