The course deals with the issues concerning the organizational problems of the company. It intends to provide a complete picture of the most significant factors and dynamics that influence the management of people in complex organizations and in particular in companies. The central objective of the course is to understand the strategies, policies and tools for the management of human resources used by the Management and by the Human Resources function to support organizational development. In this direction, the course offers students, based on a rigorous theoretical and methodological approach, the possibility to grasp also the "practices" (selection, development and training, compensation, etc.), the most widespread tools and behaviors of Human Resources Management , through the deepening of some of the most significant initiatives and experiences carried out "in the field".
The course provides students with the basic tools for government and personnel management. The student at the end of the course must be able to: * Know and understand:
- the nature of the strategy, organizational structure and Human Resources function,
- understanding of individual behavior in organizations.
In particular, students must:
- know the motivational dynamics and the main human resource management processes.
- Analyze and plan the work. -knowledge techniques and tools for selection, recruitment and enhancement of human resources.
- Evaluate the contribution of people (performance, potential, skills), people value mapping activities and development systems.
- know how to distinguish approaches and tools for career management. - know The management of remuneration: the remuneration architectures and its components.
-knowing the difference between fixed and variable remuneration, knowing which are the tools for the incentive for objectives, the medium-long term incentives.
* Autonomy of judgment * The student will have to develop his own autonomy of judgment in evaluating alternatives of governance of human resources management
The student must:
- acquire the full awareness of any organizational reality by arguing strategies, policies and tools for the management of human resources used by the Management and the Human Resources function to support organizational development. In this direction, the course offers students, based on a rigorous theoretical and methodological approach, the possibility to grasp also the "practices" (selection, development and training, compensation, etc.), the most widespread tools and behaviors of Human Resources Management . * Communication skills * Finally, the student will have to make communication skills his own. In particular, it will have to develop: the terminology and the ability to understand the theoretical and applicative aspects of teaching; of the hard and soft variables that regulate its operation; the determinants of the behavior of people within organizations, and the main tools that the company has to measure and increase its value.