"G. d'Annunzio"
I do not need any prerequisite requirements
The module proposes to develop communication skills in French ending with professional life and deepening the study of the sociological and legal lesson. Language 2 instruction will be carried out in a "contrastive" key, ash from the linguistic differences with the Italian language, through the use of dictates, dictionaries and textual analysis in order to acquire the specific competences of the language. The student must show a degree of reading, translate and read the texts orally.
Contrasting grammar of the French language (Level 2 or Advanced) Notice of the traditional translator in relation to the language of specialty obviously to the non-literary French. Lecture, translation and analysis of songs related to "Revue Française de Sociologie" and "Les politiques sociales"
The course of Ulteriori Conoscenze di Lingua Francese consists of 18 hours of lesson, with the related application exercises finalized at the training group, the following topics are: Phonetics and Spelling: I use the language of French in reference to the Alphabetical Phonetics Internationale Spelling of phonemes Morphology and syntax: The determinants Comparative and superlative Objectives and pronouns The verb The adverb and preposition The complexe sentences
1.R. Chanoux, M. Franchi, L. Roger, G. Giacomini, Grammaire française pour les élèves italiens, Torino, Petrini, 2002. 2. J. Podeur, La pratica della diccion, Napoli, Liguori, 1993. 3. Ansalone M.R., Jullion M.C., Marazza C., Français for economics, the Droit et les Sciences Politiques, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 1999 4. Texts related to Revue Française de Sociologie et de Les politiques socials (supplied by the teacher) Consecutive dictionaries: monolingual: PETIT ROBERT, PETIT LAROUSSE bilingual: ZANICHELLI, GARZANTI
Beyond all the activity of ascolto, phonetics, grammatical reflection and textual comprehension, and the use of written and audiovisual documents is expected to be an object of a reflection on the nature of the text, its various aspects - lexical, syntactic and phraseology - and it has its traditional problems . In addition to the analysis of articles or insights, particular attention will be devoted to the argument component and to the dynamics of the textual cohesion.
Students will be given an oral test during the exam sessions. Be conscientious at reading, translation and resumption of a sociological argument. The evaluation will be expressed in terms of suitability or non-fitness. For the purpose of naming the particles, the resolution of the pronunciation and the fundamental syntactic norms will be added and, as such, the accord of the past participle and forms periphrastic.