Criteria and methods of field geomechanical surveys:
- Geomechanical characterization by scanline method:
Fractures and Joints: definitions, general characteristics end relationships with respect to the major structures; geomechanical characterization (Jv/WJd, RQD and unit rock volumes); geomechanical parameters of discontinuities (i.e. orientation, spacing, persistence, roughness.)
Faults: fault rocks and their geomechanical characterization.
- Rock mass characterization and classification:
Quality indexes (RQD by Deere et al. (1967) and seismic indexes);
- Geomechanical classification:
RMR by Bieniawski (1976); Q by Barton et al. (1974); RSR by Wickham et al. (1972); Romana (1985, 1993, 1995); GSI (Hoek et al., 1995).
Significance and uses of quality indexes.
Rock and rock mass strenght criteria:
strenght of intact rock bodies and massive rock masses;
strenght of fractures rocks;
kinematic analysis of rock masses;
Field characterization of outcropping structures:
Geological and structural analysis of the main structures within foreland fold-and-thrust belts;
Geomechanical characterization of structures (faults, folds and thrusts) and of rock masses;
Digital terrestrial photogrammetry techniques will be shown that allow the creation of 3D models and the possibility of obtaining a considerable amount of information in safety conditions.