The course of Sustainable Design, within the master’s degree of Construction Engineering (LM24 Class), includes the integration of two different teachings, in particular: Sustainable Urban Design (ICAR 21, 6 cfu) and Sustainable Building Design (ICAR 10, 6 cfu).
The integrated course has the objective to define the qualify aspects (both methodological and operative) that guide a design process (cross scaled and interdisciplinary) finalized to ecological and environmental regeneration of contemporary city and its constituent parts.
Cultural and operative references for the curriculum are the well-know guidelines (directives, addresses, laws, programs and plans) at EU and national level in the field of urban regeneration (Toledo Declaration). Ecological Housing (Audis, Lipsia Declaraion), energy efficiency (NZEB, Nearly Zero Energy Building) and, more generally, in the field of environmental resilience and climate change adaptation of urban contexts.
In the last perspective, the approaches known as EBA (Ecosystem Based Approach) and NBS (Nature Based Solution), have great importance for the sustainable management and use of natural resources in urban areas. Moreover, the toools and methods that regard both Based Approach and dell'Evidence BAsed Apporach for the susteinable buildinf design.