Corso di laurea magistrale di Ingegneria delle Costruzioni (classe LM24)
Sustainable Urban Design
Prof. Matteo di Venosa
The course of Sustainable Urban Design (ICAR 21, 6 cfu) integrated with the course of Sustainable Building Design (ICAR 10, 6 cfu), has the objective to define the qualify aspects, both methodological and operative, that guide a design process finalized to ecological and environmental regeneration of contemporary city.
For the objectives of the course, have relevance the design topics related to multiple effects of climate changes and, more generally, to spatial effects determined by today economical, socially and sanitary crisis.
Each emergencies if, on one hand, have revealed the structural fragilities of our country, on the other hand offer the opportunity to rethink the shape of living the cities and territories. In this perspective the public and open space, and its regenerative and structural qualities, assumes relevance.
Cultural and operative references for the course are the well-know guidelines (directives, addresses, laws, programs and plans) at EU and national level in the field of urban regeneration (Toledo Declaration). Ecological Housing (Audis, Lipsia Declaraion) and more generally, in the field of environmental resilience and climate change adaptation and mitigations of urban contexts.
In the last perspective, the approaches known as EBA (Ecosystem Based Approach) and NBS (Nature Based Solution), have great importance for the sustainable management and use of natural resources in urban areas.
The teaching will address some themes that regard:
- the bases of Urban Design oriented to Context Sensitive Design;
- the tools and methods of Urban Design and particularly of EBA (Ecosystem Based Approach) and NBS (Nature Based Solution)
- the process of reading of urban context and its ecological problem ad values;
- the tools of control of integrated quality on Urban Design;
- the principal aspects of procedural, economic and urban feasibility of Urban Design.
During the course will be indicated some fundamental writings for the training to final exam, among which
- Somarakis G., Stagakis S., Chrysoulakis N. (2019), ThinkNature Nature Base Solution, Handbook
- European Environment Agency (2015), Exploring Nature-Based Solutions:
the role of green infrastructure in mitigating the impacts of weather and climate
change related natural hazards, Publications Office of the European Union
- M. di Venosa, M. Morrica (2019), Rigenerare territori fragili, Aracne
- Arcidiacono A., Ronchi S. (2020), Ecosystem Services and Green Infrastructure, Springer
The training course has the objective of acquiring the ability to elaborate a complex urban project, controlling it in its normative and physical morphological aspects, with particular attention to the performances verified in terms of landscape and environmental sustainability and economic and administrative feasibility.
The educational program provides an experimentation project coherents with the training objectives of the Sustainable Urban Planning. In particular:
- to obtain the ability to relate the urban project with the many and interrelate ed environmental risk of the city and the territory assumed as case studies;
- to outline the principal topics and objectives of the desired transformations with a sustainable and shared Vision of the future;
- to know the tools of the urban design project and the multiscalar implementation procedures;
- to learn the conditions of the feasibility of the urban design . In particular the law, institutional and economical contexts
To take the exam is required to have taken all the examinations of SSD ICAR 21, ICAR/10 provided within the three-year course in Construction Engineering (L23 Class) or eventually other three-year degree of provenience.
The course consists of didactic contributions of a theoretical nature (with reference to the key-topics of the ecological and environmental regeneration) and technical-methodological contributions concerning the methods of reading, interpretation and architectural, planning and environmental design. The course takes the form of a design exercise in a urban context chose as case-study. The exercise will be constantly guided by the teacher. Examples of good practices will be provided, as well as graphic references.
The course takes place in the second semester
Final exam consisting in the exposition and discussion of the works produced in the course, as well as in the exposition and argumentation of the disciplinary contents taken from the lessons and the bibliography
The students will draw up the works by organizing in groups of projects of max 3 units.
The interpretive and planning activities will be collected in n. 3 tables and a model
The graphic works will return the contents of a circular and interactive design process in which the phases of: interpretation of the context, concept of the project (concept), proposed structure (master plan), definition of the quality criteria of the urban public space (project of soil)
Students are required to deliver the required documents according to the scheduled dates. The compulsory progressive checks constitute a guarantee to continue the activity within the course and for the acquisition of the attendance certificate which entitles the student to take the exam within the time frame established by the course program.
The profit exam is intended as the last teaching delivery offered by the course to the student. The exams will be carried out as scheduled.
All students who have regularly attended the course will have the right to take the exam on the scheduled date.
The exam will consist in the verification of the graphic works and the discussion of some text chosen among those listed in the bibliography provided during the course