Basic concepts in Geomorphology: what is geomorphology, exogenous and endogenous processes and forms, erosion-transport-sedimentation, correlative deposits, morphological convergence, state of activity, morphoclimatic systems.
Processes, forms and deposits linked to the action of the main morphogenetic agents:
- structural landforms and their evolution
- processes of rock decay and derived landforms
- slope modeling (leaching and mass movements)
- river geomorphology and hydrographic network
- karst geomorphology
- coastal geomorphology
- volcanic geomorphology
- climatic geomorphology: glacial g., periglacial g., snow g., wind g., processes and forms typical of the wide climatic regions.
Introduction to anthropic geomorphology.
Geomorphological mapping: types of geomorphological maps, scales of cartographic representation, derived maps, geomorphological legend, classification criteria.
Detection of forms on the ground: detection techniques, determination of activity status, mapping criteria.