"G. d'Annunzio"
Competence with the main mathematical notions and skills provided by primary and secondary school.
Knowledge of basic notions and methods of one variable differential and integral calculus and of the mechanics of point particles, of rigid bodies, and of fluids. Ability to solve standard mathematical and physical problems concerning the topics of the course.
Differential and integral calculus for real functions of one real variable. Mechanics of the particle point and of rigid bodies. The course consists of two modules: ANALISI MATEMATICA 1 and FISICA 1. Detailed information about each module is available at https://www.unich.it/ugov/degreecourse/202037 and https://www.unich.it/ugov/degreecourse/202039
Please see https://www.unich.it/ugov/degreecourse/202037 and https://www.unich.it/ugov/degreecourse/202039
M. Bertsch, R. Dal Passo e L. Giacomelli, Analisi Matematica, McGraw-Hill. D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker - Fondamenti di Fisica - Meccanica, Onde, Termodinamica, elettromagnetismo, Ottica -Settima Edizione- Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Teaching methods: Lectures. Lectures cover both theoretical and practical applications. Learning activities: attending lectures and individual study
Written and oral exam with final grade. The minimum score to pass each module is 18/30. In order to pass the exam, it is necessary to pass both modules, in which case the final grade is the average score of the modules.