"G. d'Annunzio"
Knowledge of the fundamentals of the History of Pedagogy.
Knowing the evolution of our country's educational and cultural models and institutions from the 18th century to the present day Develop critical and problem-oriented thinking Become aware of the importance of the plurality of subjective and cultural-historical identities Getting to know the main pedagogical paradigms that have developed from the 1600s to the present day, in order to better interpret and understand current cultural and educational orientations
Starting from an insightful analysis of the birth and development of our country's educational models and institutions, the course intends to offer a critical reading of the evolution of training and cultural processes, also by recovering the values of paideia and highlighting the importance of the classics as pivotal principles to guide and support educational discourse in order to strengthen the relationship between school and society
Birth and evolution of the Italian education system and school systems.
The rediscovery of the classics and education as the 'regent' category of pedagogy
The knowledge society: theories, models, areas of intervention and spaces for reflection
-Bonetta G., (2020) Scuola e civilizzazione. Il sistema formativo italiano dal '700 alla fine del '900, Roma, Armando Editore.
-Sirignano F.M., (2019) La formazione pedagogica. Modelli e percorsi, Napoli, Liguori.
Face-to-face lessons; methodology of active learning and participation; case studies; practical activities with individual and/or group work; project and design of educational intervention plans; seminars. If Health Laws and University regulations allow, teaching activities, teachers office hours’, and exams may take place online (in whole or in part). For any further information and updates, please refer to the University website.
Oral examination/or written test.
The student will be assessed in the light of his or her ability to express independent judgement and critical learning on the main topics addressed during the course. The adequacy and effectiveness of the language used will also be assessed.