To provide the knowledge necessary for the study and interpretation of the landforms, through the analysis of exogenous and endogenous morphogenetic processes, responsible for the modelling of Earth's surface.
Skills for the analysis and interpretation the topographic maps deriving the main physical geographic properties of the territory and the different types of landforms and landscapes Skills for the analysis and comprehension of different types of geothematic maps.
Skills for the field observation of landscapes and landforms.
The basic concepts of Geomorphology.
Landscapes and geomorphological environments.
Processes, landforms and deposits related to main geomorphological agents.
Recognition of the main landscapes and the related landforms on topographic and geothematic maps and on the field.
Basic concepts in Geomorphology: what is geomorphology, exogenous and endogenous processes and landforms, erosion-transport-sedimentation, state of activity.
Atmosphere (temperature, humidity, pressure, precipitations), climates and morphoclimatic systems. Glaciations and climate fluctuations (basic concepts).
Continental hydrosphere. The water cycle (outline). Water catchment and hydrogeological basin, hydrographic networks; riverbeds and channels; lakes.
Processes, landforms and deposits linked to the action of the main geomorphological agents:
- structural landforms and their evolution
- processes of rock weathering and derived landforms
- slope modeling (soil erosion and landslides)
- river geomorphology and hydrographic network
- karst geomorphology
- coastal geomorphology
- volcanic geomorphology
- climatic geomorphology: glacial g., periglacial g., snow g., wind g., processes and forms typical of the broad climatic regions.
- anthropic geomorphology.
Cartography. Definition and characteristics of geographical and topographical maps; scale, classification, geographical projections (particularly UTM and Gauss-Boaga projection); Italian and regional cartography (IGMI cartography, Regional Topographical Map, Regional Technical Map, Ortophotos, digital elevation models). The position of a point on the earth (coordinates).
Main types of geo-thematic maps
Geomorphological mapping: types of maps, scales of cartographic representation, derived maps, geomorphological legend.
Map and cartographic exercises (calculations of distances, dimensions, slopes, areas, coordinates). Drawing of topographic profiles. Drainage basins definitions and area calculation.
Analysis and interpretation of topographic, geomorphological and geothematic maps in the laboratory and in the field; topographic, geomorphological and geological symbols; analysis and interpretation of the main types of landscapes and landforms, through the main governmental Italian maps (IGMI e Regions, Geological Survey ISPRA; PAI, IFFI, etc.)
LUPIA PALMIERI E. & PAROTTO M. - Il Globo Terrestre e la sua evoluzione - 5° Ediz. (o successive) Zanichelli Ed., Bologna.
SAURO U., MENEGHEL M., BONDESAN A., CASTIGLIONI GB. (2006) - Dalla carta topografica al paesaggio atlante ragionato. Zeta beta editrice, Vicenza.
AA.VV. (2004) – Italia. Atlante dei tipi geografici, I.G.M.I., Firenze
Castiglioni G.B., Geomorfologia, UTET, 1999.
Summerfield Michael A. - Global Geomorphology. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 1991. EAN: 9780582301566, ISBN: 0582301564
Butler B.C.M., Bell J.D. - Lettura e interpretazione delle carte geologiche. Edizione italiana a cura di Lupia Palmieri E. e Parotto M. Zanichelli, 1991
Butler B.C.M., Bell J.D. - Interpretation of Geological Maps Longman Group U.K. Limited, 1988
Simpson Brian (a cura di G. Cusimano, P. Di Stefano) - Lettura delle carte geologiche. Flaccovio, 2015.
The course includes about 30 hours of lectures and about 30 hours of laboratory carthographic exercises and on-field activities.
In the lectures, the contents and the topics of the course are presented. Cartographic lab activities include exercises on topographic maps and analysis and interpretation of cartography; these will be carried out in the lab and on a field trip.
The exam consists of a written test and an oral test.
Oral Test: it verifies the acquisition of knowledge on geomorphological environment and processes and the skills in defining the geomorphological and landscape features and their analysis and interpretation, even through geothematic maps and on-field observations.
Written test: Written essay on a landscape area and related topographic map and geomorphological map, selected with the teacher. The geomorphological elements discussed during the course will be described, particularly focusing on the definition of orography, hydrography and landscape and geomorphological landforms/processes.
Students reception:
by appointment via email