The last few years have been characterised by an, almost structural,
international economic and financial crisis. The previous trend of internal
growth having increasingly given way to external ones through mergers
and acquisitions (mergers and acquisitions) as a source of improvement
of one's own competitiveness and overcoming a state of crisis.
All that is required is specific investigative processes (due diligence) to
analyse the value and the conditions of the different companies involved
in these operations and, at the same time, the necessary advisory
contribution by individuals with special skills (advisors), fundamental for
the success of the individual initiatives and to support all other business
In light of these premises, the aim of this course will be to provide
knowledge and skills regarding the main implications of strategic,
operating, legal and fiscal matters related to these operations, the
management problems of the related integration processes that is equally determined, as well as specific consultancy activities where
requests are necessary.
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. understand the purpose and role of the advisor;
2. understand the different approaches to consultancy in relation to sales
and acquisitions;
3. explain the aims and roles of specific operational tools and how they
contribute to the achievement of results.
1. identify which problems are relevant to investigative processes (due
diligence) to analyse the value and the conditions of the different
companies involved;
2 Identify relevant aspects of company valuation;
3. critically evaluate and reflect on the various existing instruments.
1. It expresses in an oral form analytical and synthesis considerations on
the fundamental aspects of the discipline and carries out interdisciplinary