The exam consists of a project, a practical test and a written test, plus an oral test, normally optional.
The project consists in developing a program (or part of it) according to a specification given by the teacher. The project can be carried out in group. The project may be evaluated positively or negatively. The positive evaluation is a necessary condition to proceed with the practical test. Once the project has been positively evaluated, it remains valid for the entire academic year.
The practical test takes place in the computer room on the computer, and consists of a modification to be made to the project. The evaluation is a point from 0 to 30.
The written test, usually carried out immediately after the oral test, consists of a series of exercises on the course program. The evaluation is a point from 0 to 30.
The final grade is the average of the grades of the practical test and the written test.
It is foreseen that, during the course of the lessons, there will be some "homework" in class, optional exam tests which, if carried out correctly, will give additional points to the final exam grade.