"G. d'Annunzio"
Knowledge of the essential foundations of scientific psychology: historical bases; survey methods; functioning of basic processes (sensory, perceptive, mnestic and cognitive, linguistic, motivational, emotional).
Basic elements of General Psychology
Cap.2–Studying behavior in a scientific way Cap.5-Sensation and perception Cap.6–Attention and consciousness Cap.7-Learning: the role of experience Cap.8-Memory Cap.9-Language
Passer M., Holt N., Bremner A., Sutherland E., Vliek M., Smith R. General Psychology - The science of mind and thought. Mc Graw-Hill Education, iii Edition 2023 (650 pp, € 54.00). Chapters 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Written test: It is mandatory and consists of a test with multiple choice answers. Oral examination: It can be accessed upon passing the written test. It is at the discretion of the teacher and can be requested by the student.
Web site: https://www.unich.it/ugov/person/13854 (email address: giulia.prete@unich.it)