The Course is structured into two didactic modules aimed to qualify a multilevel training process about the features which contribute to define the theoretical and applicative field of Urban Planning.
The module 1 – Theories – is aimed to provide students with cognitive elements to analyze formation/transformation processes in modern and contemporary cities. This module includes insights on techniques and tools which define the implementation matrix of the urban plan and design.
The module 1 includes the following ten ex-cathedra lessons:
1 - Avete detto Urbanistica? Temi e sfide di un sapere in evoluzione [Did you say “Urban Planning”? Themes and challenges about an on-going know-how]
2 – Le origini dell’urbanistica moderna [The origins of modern urban planning]
3 – Città moderna e contemporanea [Modern and contemporary city]
4 – Modelli di città 1 [Models of the city – 1]
5 – Modelli di città 2 [Models of the city – 2]
6 – Tecniche urbanistiche 1 [Urban planning techniques 1]
7 – Tecniche urbanistiche 2 [Urban planning techniques 2]
8 – Progetto Urbanistico [Urban design]
9 – Spazio pubblico e forma della città [Public space and urban structure]
10 – Urbanistica della transizione [Urban Planning in transition]
The module 2 – Notebook – concerns a practical exercise which promotes the interpretation of the existent city through the gaze and the direct observation. The notebook is organized in sections referred to some exercises of observation of the city, as follows:
- Mental map of the city
Section A – Territory
- The shape of the territory
- Topographic maps and the measure of the territory
- Thematic maps and sectoral plans
- The socio-economic dimension of the city
- Territorial landscapes
- The transformation of the territory
Section B – City
- Proximity
- City site and mapping
- City plan, parts, and urban fabrics
- Town plan
- Elements and places of the city
- Crossing
Section C – Projects
- Interviews
- Themes and challenges
Reference bibliography
- L. Benevolo, Le origini dell'urbanistica moderna, Laterza, Bari, 1963.
- P. Gabellini, Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci, Roma 2001 (Cap 4,5,6,7,8)
- B. Secchi, Prima Lezione di Urbanistica, Laterza, Bari 2000
Throughout the Course - especially during module 2 – some readings will be advised, in line with the contents and the objectives of the Course.