Main objective of the course is to provide the students of the instruments in order to understand the process of policies generation and implementation in the Eurozone.
Specific references to the national (Italian) context and the global (extra-European) context will be made.
The programme will be articulated as follows.
History of the European Union (EU);
The institutions of the EU;
Costs and benefits of a common currency;
The economic policy: from fiscal policies to monetary policies;
The economic crisis and the EU answers;
The Italian economy in the EU context.
Frontal lessons; references and analysis of real cases
Written examination
De Grawe P. (2016), Economia dell'Unione monetaria, ilMulino.
Marelli E. e Signorelli M. (2015), Politica Economica. Le politiche nel nuovo scenarionEuropeo e globale, Giappichelli Editore.