A text chosen from the following:
1. A text chosen from the following two:
a) T. SOLA, The contribution of the Projective Methods in Clinical Psychodiagnosis. Psychodynamic approach, Aracne P. H. Roma, 2006, pp. 208. (12 €). If this is chosen, it is recommended to get the text on the Internet in good time or by contacting the Aracne Publishing House directly, of which it will be able to provide even only the PDF.
b) b) C. CHABERT, Psychoanalysis and Projective Methods, it. tr. Borla, Rome 2006, pp.144 (€ 14.02).
2. A chapter chosen from the text: T. Sola, Exploratory Pathways in Projective Clinic, Aracne P. H., Rome 2014 (€ 12). The same applies to this text as in the text in point a).