Mechanics of the particle point
The International System of Units. Scalar and vector quantities. Reference systems. One-dimensional motion: position, speed, acceleration. Motion in two and three dimensions. Circular motion. Newton's laws and their applications. Friction force. Inclined plane. Inertial and non-inertial reference systems. Work of a force. Work of a force. Circular motion and gravitational force. Gravitational force work. Kinetic energy. Theorem of kinetic energy. Potential energy. Conservation of Energy. Conservative forces. Momentum, impulse of a force. Conservation of momentum. Elastic and inelastic collisions. Torque.
Mechanics of rigid bodies
Rigid bodies. Center of mass. Rotational motion and rotational variables. Rotational kinetic energy. Rotational inertia. Torque. Angular momentum. Newton's second law in angular form. Conservation of angular momentum. Equilibrium conditions for a rigid body.
Waves and Oscillations
Simple harmonic ocillator. Pendulums and circular motion. Dumpered simple harmonic oscillator. Forced oscillations and resonance. Transfer waves. Energy and power of a wave. Wave equation: elements.
Coulomb's law. Electric fields. Gauss's law. Electric potential. Electric capacity. Current and resistance. Magnetic fields. Induction and inductance. Maxwell equations: elements.