Introduction: Pedagogy is not a "science of the spirit".
1. Criticism of the humanistic approach of contemporary German pedagogy - the system of the human being as a connection of existence and the world - the educational task of the university
Chapter I: The Preliminary Existential Concept of Education
2. Problematic nature of the science of education, the multiplicity of anthropological approaches - aporia - pedagogy to be fixed and planned
3. The man-enigma - only man educates - the metaphysical tradition and the place of man between animal and God - animal perfection, perfection of God - the man essentially disoriented, shapeless, disconcerted - education and human need.
4. The hybrid essence of spirit and sensitivity - the divine beast - imperfection of man - self-representation and trade with himself of man and being conscious - the missing categories for the human formation of himself
5. Animal rationale (motherhood and fatherhood, instinct and reason, impulse and freedom) - God does not educate - the intentional structure of self-awareness and trade with him - preliminary concept of custom - the man who requires form - improper domination of technical categories in pedagogy - generation and death - education and mortality
6. Death and meaning of life - temporal structure of the mortal - death as a "passage" - own death and the death of others - earthly immortality of mortals - polis and mortality - ambiguity of the concept of the world
Chapter II: Questions about the nature of the ideal
7. The need to give oneself a form - assimilation to God, domestication of the animal in man - commensuration to the supreme body - departure from the metaphysical tradition, cosmological aspect of pedagogy - criticism of the common opinion of educating, ontological opacity of the current categories
8. Man as a citizen of the world - analytic of ideal formation - educational end and dominant ideal - action, end, final end, praxis, poiesis, eudaimonia - ideal as a canon of our practical existence and as "constellation".
9. Making and omitting - fundamental ideal and multiplicity belonging - Alexandrian era - interpretation of eudaimonia - man and ideal - norms or "stars" - the Kantian binomial of the sublime: "starry sky" and "moral law" - the Kantian concept of idea and ideal
10. Kantian difference between "morality" and "happiness" - proximity and distance of the ideal - constellations = signs of the world - the Kantian "world-concept" of philosophy - transcendental ideal - concept of the "transcendental" and the transcendental - omnitudo realitatis - theological misunderstanding of the transcendental ideal - the omnitudo = the world.
11. The finished things and the omnitudo realitatis, the problem of individuation - the all-one or the supreme body? - ambiguity of the transcendental ideal - "in concrete" and "in individual" - practical meaning of the transcendental ideal: ideal of the supreme goodSommo Bene - Christian personification
12. A priori claims of reason - to wait and hope - to hope beyond death - kingdom of the dead as a field of hope - the unexpressed Kantian metaphysics of death - all the backward worlds as interpretations of the background - coincidence of moral and transcendental ideal
13. "Meaning" and freedom - worldly depth of meaning - to educate as a common path of ideal formation - ideal: a project of will or norm - subject-object relationship as a path of the traditional question on the ideal - the cosmic correspondence as the true path of this question - world - openness of human reason - in the transcendental ideal reason thinks its intramondanity
14. Ideals as only jealous, concealing the world - to design and find - neither something of freedom, nor something of nature as a model for the ideal - worldliness of the human being not an accessory character - possible closure of the world - the ideal a world problem, no metaphysical question - the thinking educator
15. The whole of being, the path (sunrise and sunset) - the game of the world and the shared knowledge of man - education as the foundation of humanity in the essence of the world - reference-world of each correspondence of man to gods and heroes - the world not an existential - look at the world of Plato and Nietzsche
Chapter III: the educational reference (the family)
16. Human need: exposed in what is not hidden and at the same time still preserved in what is enclosed - the lost path of man - educate as to how to advise one another - education and customs - problematic patterns in reading the position of the educator
17. The "human" in the educational relationship - the solemn educator and the sentimental educator - criticizes the educator-pupil scheme - the man as a "person"? - education is rooted in love - the family the original pedagogical situation - the triangle - the maternal and the paternal - the Hegelian speculative concept of female and male
18. The family as immortality of mortals - eros and blood - eros and paideia - gender a determination of the essence of the human being as freedom, reason, language - extraneousness of genres - no order of rank between them - male and female as symbols of the world's powers (custody and exposition) - the new tense arc of being man - family as a complete figure of being there - the "problems" of common pedagogy - education as initiation into the reference to Demeter and Apollo
19. The family the original model of education conforming to the world - overcoming the fragmented character of the individual - gender and age grades: not an empirical condition - the family as a "complement" - unity of erotic, nourishing and paideia - all extra-family education as a derivative of family education - the professional educator and institutions - the problem of the State
Chapter IV: the problem of the educational institution (the State)
20. What is The "integral" of the family - does it integrate the integrated tripartition of the human family - disregard for the family in the antinomies of contemporary pedagogy - the common conception of the "institutional" - State as a minimal State and guarantor of the free spheres of the State? - the true State as a relation to the world of a people - State and family - state education - commits man completely - genealogy: from family to state - Hegel's attempt at such clarification with the conceptual means of his universal ontology - dialectical relation between family and state
21. Movement of existence from family to state - concept of dialectic - dialectic and problem of the world - Hegel's conception of ethics as a way of human conformity to the world - State and religion - limits of the Hegelian conception of the state: spirit as architect of the world and as architect of the state - Plato's Thyme - critical reservations about Hegel's concept of state - the hidden dialectic of the fundamental phenomena of love, death, work and domination - family and "spirit"?
22. Criticism of the "State of today" - the metaphysical division of man - the antithesis of "State" and "civilization" decisive for school - State and Church - teaching and character formation - the legitimate school supports? - the falling State - the State of Plato not total, because it was founded "in a transcendent way" - the State of Hegel cosmological and total - limitation of consent to the State of Hegel - the references of the superextrination between eros, blood, work and domination - the passage of family education in state education - parental law and state law - concept of public - the private also in the State - need of the State: place of human reference to the world - the school as a path in the State - the state school - paideia as a way, as the state takes part in the immortality of generative life - our present situation: nihilism as obscuration and as an opportunity