1. The origins of sociology.
- The origins of sociology and the role of the French and English revolutions.
- The relationship between sociology and modern society.
- First developments in social research methods.
2. The development of social research: paradigms, methods, application.
- The method in Durkheim and Weber
- The paradigms and methods of sociological research.
- The areas of application of sociology.
3. Sociological theories and social research.
- The relationship between sociological theories and social research.
- Macro sociological, meso and micro sociological theories.
- The main theoretical and methodological perspectives of sociology.
4. The study of economic development: economics and sociology.
- The study of economic development.
- Theoretical and methodical perspectives between economics and sociology.
- The boundaries between economics and sociology.
5. Modernisation and development of backward areas.
- Theory of modernisation.
- Theory of dependence.
- The new ‘political economy’ compared.
6. The Keynesian social state and its developments.
- Origins and developments of Keynesian social state. - Social protection systems.
- The crisis of the Keynesian social state.
- Systems for regulating the economy.
7. Fordism: characteristics, crises and new production models. - Fordism and economic development.
- Crisis and transformations of the Fordist model.
- Flexible production models and the institutional context.
- The informal economy.
8. The new economic sociology, globalization and the diversity of capitalism.
- Neo-institutional economics.
- The new economic sociology: the structural approach and the social networks, the social capital, the sociological neo-institutionalism.
- Globalization and the diversity of capitalisms.
- The two capitalisms: coordinated market economies and uncoordinated market economies.
- The development of capitalisms: differences and similarities.