Main objectives to be reached in the Histology module:
Knowledge the main structural and ultrastructural cells and tissues features related to their specific embryological derivation, using the specific language.
Course contents provide the integrated knowledge of structural and ultrastructural morphology of different human tissues.
- Cell structure
- Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
- Cellular organelles and cytoskeleton
- Extracellular matrix
- Cell junctions
- Active and passive transport mechanisms
- Cell cycle
- Epithelial tissue
- Exocrine and endocrine glandular epithelial tissue
- Connective tissues
- Cartilaginous tissue
- Bone tissue
- Hemopoietic and lymphatic tissue
- Muscle tissue
- Nervous tissue
- Tissue embryological development: Stages of the life cycle - Gametogenesis - Development of the gonads - Spermatogenesis - Ovogenesis - Fertilization - Segmentation - Gastrulation - Embryonic sheets - fetus development.
- Oral cavity and tongue tissues and their embriological development.
P. Carinci - E. Gaudio - G. Marinozzi. ANATOMIA UMANA E ISTOLOGIA. ElsevierL.P:Gartner- J.L. Hiatt -ISTOLOGIA EdiSES
Ross MH-ISTOLOGIA_ Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Adamo S et al. -ISTOLOGIA Ed Piccin
Frontal lessons;
Laboratory practice;
Individual study.
In itinere written test with open questions and final oral exam.
Ricevimento studenti:
Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Orali e Biotecnologiche,
Palazzina A livello 2, Campus Universitario di Via dei Vestini,
Mercoledi 10:00-13:00
Tel. 08713554097/4089
e-mail: trubiani@unich.it