The student should achieve the following goals:
- know the basic elements for adequate communication with the patient and his family, in accordance with the fundamental principles of the relationship between the dental clinic and speech therapy;
- acquire semeiological terminology and know how to use it correctly and appropriately to communicate effectively with the patient and relate correctly within the multi-specialist healthcare team: dentist-pediatrician-otolaryngologist-physiotherapist-neurologist-speech therapist;
- acquire medical knowledge on odontostomatological diseases, on the relationship between malocclusions and speech therapy and know how to use them correctly according to the criteria and the "consecutive" logic of clinical methodology;
- acquire the elements of the clinical methodology for the correct research and critical interpretation (also from the physiopathological profile) of the physical, functional, instrumental and laboratory findings, for the purposes of diagnosis and prognosis of odontostomatological diseases, education of the mouth and corrections of malocclusions in the developmental age and not.