A. Texts and teaching documents which are mandatory for ALL STUDENTS (attending / non-attending):
1) slides of class lectures, including ancient sources, will be downloadable as files.PDF from the website DiLASS, page Materiale didattico: https://www.dilass.unich.it/node/6865
2) G. JOSSA, I cristiani e l'Impero romano. Da Tiberio a Marco Aurelio, Roma, Carocci, 2000, the whole book (pp. 1-204); this book is available in the Biblioteca "E. Paratore", Polo Bibliotecario di Chieti.
Foreign students may change this book with M. SORDI, The Christians and the Roman Empire, University of Oklahoma Press, 1994 (and following reprints), the whole book (pp. 1-222).
3) S. MAZZARINO, L'Impero romano, vol. 1, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1984 (and following reprints), the whole book (pp. 1-430).
Foreign students may change this book with S. MAZZARINO, The End of the Ancient World, New York-London, 1966 (and following reprints), the whole book (pp. 1-210).
4) article (English) by C.P. JONES, Christian Apologists and the Antonine Emperors, ARYS 16, 2018, 333-345 (downloadable as files.PDF).
B. Additional text, which is mandatory just for NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS:
5) M. SORDI, I cristiani e l'Impero romano, Milano, Jaca Book, 2017 (reprint 2020), the whole book (pp. 1-238).
Attention: NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS are kindly requested to contact Dr. Filippini, before taking the exam, in order to fix the program in advance, beyond any doubt: alister.filippini@unich.it