S. Gatti, Project Finance in Theory and Practice, Academic Press, Third Edition, 2018.
Recommended reading about per social impact and sustainability and risk profile of PF:
Lu, Z., Peña-Mora, F., Wang, X. R., Shen, C. Q., & Riaz, Z. (2015). Social impact project finance: An innovative and sustainable infrastructure financing framework. Procedia Engineering, 123, 300-307.
Cruz, C. O., & Marques, R. C. (2012). Using probabilistic methods to estimate the public sector comparator. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 27(10), 782-800.
Muriana, C., & Vizzini, G. (2017). Project risk management: A deterministic quantitative technique for assessment and mitigation. International Journal of Project Management, 35(3), 320-340.