Leopardi, the poet of modern life. The course aims to analyze Leopardi's work in light of recent studies that have deepened the socio-anthropological scope of his thought, as well as his constant and deep interest in science. Prose and poetry texts will be analysed, trying to conduct an original and actualizing reading of the poet who was able to speak more than others to posterity.
Antonella Del Gatto, - "Dissimulazione e testualità", Firenze, Olschki, 2023.
- Alfano, Italia, Russo, Tomasi, "Profilo di letteratura italiana", Mondadori (da p. 539 a p. 702).
- Chines-Varotti, "Che cos'è un testo letterario", Carocci, 2020.
10 poems by choice, 10 "operette morali" by choice.