exam written and oral
During the course it will be the teacher's responsibility to systematically verify the learning level of the class, aimed at reformulating the speed, the teaching methods and possible moments of further reflection on some chapters that will be more difficult to understand than others.
As far as the exam is concerned, for the students attending the course there is an oral check at the end of the course to gain awareness of the level of preparation and how much the subject has been internalized during the months, while for the students not attending no pre-exam verification is scheduled.
The exam aims to:
- verify the knowledge of the tools for managing people in complex organizations and in particular in companies. - be able to identify strategies, policies and tools for the management of human resources used by Management and by the Human Resources function to support organizational development
- have mastery in grasping the "practices" (selection, development and training, compensation, etc.)
- know how to use the tools that use the hard and soft variables by regulating their functioning to influence the determinants of the behavior of the people within the organizations, and the main tools that the company has to measure and increase its value through the description of examples taken from the business context of the moment.
The learning verification method aims to ascertain the level of knowledge of the topics indicated in the program and to verify that the student has acquired knowledge of the discipline, the ability to interpret regulatory and jurisprudential data and the ability to present clearly and reasonedly.
The oral test consists of an articulated interview and the assessment respects the following criteria: • Failure to pass the exam: insufficient preparation
• 18 to 21: Sufficient preparation with specific regard to the following Learning Objectives/Learning Outcomes.
• From 22 to 24: fully sufficient preparation with specific regard to the following Training Objectives/learning outcomes • From 25 to 26: good preparation with specific regard to the following Training Objectives/learning outcomes.
• From 27 to 29: very good preparation with specific regard to the following Training objectives/learning outcomes.
• From 30 to 30 cum laude: excellent/excellent preparation with specific regard to the following educational objectives/learning outcomes.