"G. d'Annunzio"
Language level of the European B2 Reference Framework
Ability to structure and control the different types of discourse in the commercial field; - Knowledge of vocabulary and ability to use it through fixed formulas, ways of saying; - Competence in different situations in the Spanish professional field.
The course aims to broaden knowledge and develop skills in the professional field. Specifically, the content of the course concerns business Spanish.
The course aims to broaden knowledge and develop skills in the professional field. Specifically, the content of the course concerns business Spanish. 1) La carta comercial 2) Los cargos de empresa 3) Carta de empleo 4) Carta de recomendación 5) El curriculum vitae 6) Gestión de conflictos 7) La Banca 8) Los gráficos 9) La nómina. The program includes the translation from Spanish into Italian of economic texts.
Emilio Iriarte Romero-Emilia Núñez Pérez, Empresa Siglo XXI. El español en el ámbito profesional, Edinumen, Madrid, 2015
Teacher frontal lessons.
Written test Oral test. The written test is preliminary to the final test. The final mark (in thirtieths) is the result of the sum of the two tests (written and oral).
The course includes exercises and other teaching materials (in the classroom, language laboratories or at a distance) organized by the Language Centre of the University).