The program of History of Philosophy II is divided into a program for attending students and a program for non-attending students.
ATTENDING students are required to study one or more university handbooks dedicated to the development of the thought from the late antiquity to the threshold of the renaissance.
In order to prepare the related examination, the following texts are indicated (they are alternative to one another).
- Étienne GILSON, La filosofia nel Medioevo. Dalle origini patristiche alla fine del XIV secolo. Qualsiasi ristampa (es.: Milano: Rizzoli, 2011).
- Sofia VANNI ROVIGHI, Storia della filosofia medievale. Dalla patristica al secolo XIV, a cura di Pietro B. Rossi, Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2011.
- Pietro ROSSI - Carlo Augusto VIANO, Storia della filosofia, vol. 2, Roma-Bari: Laterza, 1994.
- Other university level handbooks can be agreed with the teacher.
Further materials will be made available in the "materiali didattici" section of the website of the Department of Philosophical, Pedagogical and Economic-Quantitative Sciences.
NON-ATTENDING studens are required to study a manual dedicated to the development of thought from the late antiquity to the modern age.
Il programma per NON FREQUENTANTI prevede lo studio di un manuale dedicato allo sviluppo del pensiero dall’età tardo-antica all’età moderna.
In order to prepare the related examination, the following text is indicated.
- Costantino ESPOSITO - Pasquale PORRO, Filosofia, vol. 1 “Antica e medievale” and vol. 2 “Moderna”, Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2009 (or a subsequent reprint). Vol. 1 must be studied starting from ch. 7; vol. 2 must be studied in its entirety.