The Course is divided into two parts:
a) a general part, on constitutional law
b) a part on the Constitutional Court and review of legislation
1. The concept of constitution 2. Forms of state and forms of government: historical evolution of the models and current reality of the main contemporary constitutional systems. 3. The Constitution of the Italian Republic: history, structure, contents. 4. Italy and the European Union: impact on the Italian constitutional order of the EU. The problem of the EU constitution. Fundamental rights and the European Court of Human Rights. The Economic and Monetary Union and its institutional and legal effects on the Italian system. The so-called Brexit and the crisis of the integration process. 5. Sources of law. 6. Electoral bodies and the institutions of political participation. 7. Constitutional bodies: Parliament (structure and functions); the President of the Republic; the Government, the Constitutional Court. 8. The role of constitutional justice in the Italian legal system: the powers of the Constitutional Court. 9. The judicial system in the Constitution: nature, structure and functions of the Superior Council of the Magistracy. 10. The Regions. 11. Constitutional rights.
II. SPECIAL SECTION: Constitutional judiciary; the sources of discipline of constitutional justice in the Italian legal system; judicial review of legislation; conflicts among powers; the judgment on the admissibility of the repeal referendum; the judgment on the accusations against the President of the Republic; the Constitutional Court in the system of powers; constitutional rights in a multilevel system.
Textbooks (suggested):
1. R. Bin, G. Pitruzzella, Diritto costituzionale, Giappichelli, Torino, latest edition
2. G. Zagrebelsky, V. Marcenò, Giustizia costituzionale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018 (both volume I and II).
Knowledge of the Italian Constitution and of the main statutes of Italian public law, is required.