The student must acquire theoretical fundamentals of the subject, through knowledge of the main bibliography in the sector; he/she must know the main post-classical ceramic, glass and metal products; he/she must be able to contextualise the artefacts in the historical-cultural framework of reference; the student must also approach critically the contents and tools of the discipline and to be able to revise this content clearly and comprehensively.
The course will outline the technological-productive, functional and socio-economic aspects of post-classical ceramic, glass and metal artefacts.
Material culture is one of the most important sources within the archaeological disciplines. Through material culture it is possible to approach historical, economic and cultural reconstruction. On the one hand, the programme includes an introduction to the general issues of material culture and, on the other hand, the study of material in relation to contexts, in order to identify useful elements for the analysis of cultural and socio-economic dynamics.
The programme will then address the following topics:
- outlines of production archaeology (technological and production aspects)
- principles of classification
- morphotypological aspects of ceramic, glass and metal artefacts
- tools and methods for documentation (archiving, cataloguing, graphic documentation, etc.)
- material culture and context
- material culture and socio-economic dynamics
E. GIANNICHEDDA, s.v. Cultura materiale, in Dizionario di archeologia. Temi, concetti e metodi, a cura di R. Francovich e D. Manacorda, Bari 2003, pp. 99 – 104 (PDF).
M. MILANESE, Le classi ceramiche nell’archeologia medievale, tra terminologie, archeometria e tecnologia, in Le classi ceramiche. Situazione degli studi, Atti della 10^ Giornata di Archeometria della Ceramica (Roma, 5-7 aprile 2006), a cura di S. Gualtieri, B. Fabbri, G. Bandini, Bari 2009, pp. 47-55 (PDF) .
C. NEGRELLI, F. BRACCI, A.A. RUCCO, I materiali ceramici dalla tarda antichità alla prima età altomedievale, in M. MIARI, C. NEGRELLI (a cura di), Ritmi di Transizione 2. Dal Garampo al Foro Annonario: ricerche archeologiche 2009-2013, pp. 93-130 (PDF).
M. VITALI, La ceramica longobarda, in G. P. Brogiolo (a cura di), S. Giulia di Brescia: gli scavi dal 1980 al 1992. Reperti preromani, romani e alto medievali, Firenze 1999, pp. 175-230 (PDF).
F. GRASSI, Il bassomedioevo: X-XIV secolo, in Introduzione allo studio della ceramica in archeologia, Strumenti per la didattica 1, Collana Università degli Studi di Siena, 2007, pp. 251-262 (PDF).
D. STIAFFINI, Il vetro nel Medioevo. Tecniche Strutture Manufatti, Roma1999, in part. pp. 89-132 (PDF).
F. ZAGARI, con appendice di V. La Salvia, Il metallo nel Medioevo. Tecniche Strutture Manufatti, Roma 2005 (indication of the specific pages will be provided by the lecturer during the course).
Further bibliographical contributions will be provided in the course of the lectures.
The lectures will be taught through practical exercises (classification, cataloguing etc.), with the help of graphic and photographic material.
Oral. Practical exercises aimed at verifying candidates’ eligibility and assessing the ability to clearly and autonomously outline the topics of the workshop. Final judgement.