"The Invisible Cities" by Italo Calvino
First exercise (Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 September)
From a selected story of one of the cities of Italo Calvino, you must elaborate a plan that returns the described city and above all its character that emerges from the story.
Starting from one of the tables representing the map of Rome drawn by Nolli in 1748 (see below), you have to choose a fragment and redesign it reinterpreting the characteristics and spaces of one of the invisible cities of Calvino you have chosen. The new plant will be in scale (approximately) 1: 1000, drawn only in white / black, inside a circumference of 25 cm in diameter. inserted in the center of a sheet of paper in A3 format. As in the Nolli map, buildings, public spaces, roads, green spaces, courtyards, etc. will be visible. The drawing will show the footprint of the blocks on the ground floor, showing in plan some main buildings and courtyards, arcades, stairs and primary spaces.
The first exercise will be commented in the classroom on Wednesday 5 September at 10.00
Second tutorial: Collage (Wednesday 5 September)
The term collage (from the French) indicates the technique used for the realization of works of every level (scholastic, ludic, handicraft, artistic, for example of poor art, etc.) produced by means of overlapping of papers, photographs, objects, clippings newspaper or magazine. Over time the term began to indicate not only the technique but also the works themselves.
You must produce an A3 format collage on the theme of "fragility". The collage will not be the simple reproduction of a situation of fragility, but will have to face this theme through the overlapping and juxtaposition of images. The collage can also become slightly three-dimensional, when some thicknesses (or themes) will become more important.
Third exercise: model (Thursday 6 and Friday 7 September)
You have to realize a conceptual model of a building already present in the plan of the "invisible cities", transmitting, as far as possible, the concept of temporariness and fragility. The model can be made of white cardboard, it must show the integration between different types and the overlapping / juxtaposition of parts of the building such as to create a single architectural body.
The layout will be in 1: 500 scale and mounted on a rigid A3 format support
You will have to find a report (thematic and graphic) between the three exercises so that the whole work forms a "triptych" on the theme of the city and the conditions of fragility.
Delivery of all the material on Friday 7th September at 8.00 pm and preparation of the exhibition in the classroom for Saturday 8th September. For each exercise you will have to write a short explanatory text of 1500 characters that describe the work.
Work organization.
The headquarters of Viale Pindaro will be open from 8.00 to 24.00
The laboratory activities will be from 9.00 to 16.00 and then from 18.00 to 24.00 (free workshop)
From Monday to Thursday at 4.00 pm there will be a Seminar jointly with the Summer School (see Summer School program)