The second year Architectural Composition course is finalized
to the study and to the understanding of compositional techniques articulated for the
design of simple architectural bodies.
The course is divided into two phases. A first phase of context analysis
urban reference and a second phase of hypothesis processing
projects aimed at the regeneration of spaces and artifacts
existing with the possible realization of new elements capable of
to restore coherence to the context by virtue of the new programs of use.
The urban context and the architectural space of reference, both in the phase
reading, both in the interpretation phase and in that more properly
project repetition, it is decomposed into its components
essential. These components will be investigated as well as in their own
physical dimension and spatial organization, even in theirs
material, technical and constructive consistency, trying to highlight the
relationship, often very evident, between forms, materials and technologies.
The project, therefore, is configured as a sort of conclusive equilibrium
in which the measurement of the individual construction elements and are integrated
the dimension of the spaces that enclose, within a strategy
composition able to satisfy the reasons for the program
architectural-functional assigned.