The course programme, - which corresponds to Part II of Handbook B. CONFORTI, M. IOVANE, Diritto internazionale, XII ed., Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2021. , from p. 205 to p. 343, -, is structured as follows:
1. The content of international law as a set of limits to the sovereignty of the State.
2. Territorial sovereignty and its limits: the protection of human rights.
3. The punishment of international crimes.
4. The limits to sovereignty resulting from economic relations.
5. The limits to sovereignty arising from the protection of the environment.
6. The limits to sovereignty arising from international rules on the treatment of foreigners, diplomatic agents, foreign states and international organisations.
7. The limits to sovereignty arising from international rules on the law of the sea relating to the delimitation of marine spaces.
8. The limits to sovereignty arising from international rules on airspace, cosmic, polar regions.
All students (SEGI, L/12 and others) should be well aware of and be able to discuss the following agreements (insofar as they are referred to in the text):
* United Nations Charter
* Statute of the International Court of Justice;
* Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties;
* Treaties establishing the European Union (TEU and TFEU);
* European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.