Prof. Lucia Serafini
A.A. 2020-2021
1. Purposes
The aim of the course is to provide the skills necessary for the elaboration and formulation of a restoration project, aimed at a specially chosen monument, with evident problems of conservation, accessible and such as to allow in addition to the philological and historical-critical reading a close analysis in terms of metric and architectural survey, study of degradation, materials and construction techniques.
2. Contents
The course is divided into ex cathedra lessons and exercises. The lessons support the exercises on the specific theme of the project, and cover topics of theory and history of restoration, questions of method and general character, technical and construction aspects.
The bibliography - and the contents - of the Restoration course 1 constitute the necessary premise for carrying out the required work.
2.1 Schedule of lessons
-Restoration, conservation, maintenance. The current debate and the main method proposals.
-Problematic nodes of restoration: distinguishability, minimal intervention, reversibility, compatibility.
-The ancient-new relationship and the dialectic between critical process and creative act.
-What materials for the restoration? Relationship between technical choices and respect for the building.
- The current use of historic buildings: structural, typological and plant problems.
-The building / document of itself: the graphic, photographic relief and the main archeometric methods.
-Bibliographic, archival and iconographic research.
-From philological research to historical interpretation.
-The humidity and its causes: the phenomena due to the action of water.
-Physical alteration: cryoclasm, thermoclasm, crystallization, freezing, erosion.
-Chemical alteration: sulfation and carbonation.
-Other degradation phenomena (biological agents, geological, anthropic factors, etc.).
-The main cases of structural instability.
-Detection of degradation: assessment, sampling, in situ and laboratory tests.
-Non-destructive tests: x-ray, ultrasound, thermography.
-Moisture and structural damage: reading and representation methods.
-The care of stone surfaces: cleaning, consolidation, protection.
-The treatment of brick curtains.
-The interventions on plaster and tinteggiature.
-The restoration of wooden elements: disinfestation, consolidation, integration, preventive treatments.
-Recovery of moisture damage.
-The restoration of vertical and horizontal structures: guidelines for static interventions.
2.2 Schedule of exercises
The exercises follow a path that gradually reaches the design phase from the cognitive phase. The stages of this path can be summarized as follows: historical-critical investigation, survey, examination of materials and construction techniques, analysis of degradation, proposal for conservation and restoration. The works, duly endorsed by the teacher, will be delivered according to agreed deadlines and consequently assessed as progress status of the work as a whole; must be completed by the end of the course and will be an integral part of the final exam. The tables, numbered progressively, will be in the format and number suggested by the teacher, and will include, among other indications -university, faculty, laboratory, teacher, academic year, study theme, topic of the single table- the names of the authors for extended. A copy of the work, along with a copy on CD, will be retained by the teacher for the course archive.
The verification of the results achieved by the students will be partly conducted during the course and partly at the end of this through the final exam. The exam will be based on the discussion of the topics covered in class and on the topic of the exercise, with particular regard to the project results obtained.
Basic bibliography
General treatments
A. BELLINI (a cura di), Tecniche della conservazione, Angeli, Milano 1986, quarta edizione aggiornata 1992
G. CARBONARA (a cura di), Trattato di restauro architettonico, Utet, Torino 1996 e anni successivi con riferimenti agli argomenti trattati nel corso
G. CARBONARA, Avvicinamento al restauro. Teoria, storia, monumenti, Liguori, Napoli 1997
L. ZEVI, Il manuale del restauro architettonico, Mancosu, Roma 2001
Specific texts
-For point A:
G. DE ANGELIS D’ OSSAT, Sul restauro dei monumenti architettonici. Concetti, operatività, didattica, Bonsignori, Roma 1995
C. VARAGNOLI (a cura di), Conservare il passato. Metodi ed esperienze di protezione e restauro nei siti archeologici, Atti del convegno Chieti – Pescara 26-27 settembre 2003, Gangemi, Roma 2005
A. FERLENGA, E. VASSALLO, F. SCHELLINO (a cura di ), Antico e Nuovo. Architettura e architetture, Atti del convegno internazionale (Venezia 31 Marzo-3 aprile 2004), Il Poligrafo, Venezia 2007
G. Carbonara, Architettura d’oggi e restauro. Un confronto antico nuovo, Utet, Torino, 2011
-For point B:
A. BRUSCHI, Indicazioni metodologiche per lo studio storico dell’architettura, in AA.VV., Lineamenti di storia dell’architettura, Carucci, Assisi-Roma 1978
L. MARINO, Il rilievo per il restauro, Hoepli, Milano 1990
G. CARBONARA (a cura di), Analisi degli antichi edifici, in Idem (a cura di), Trattato di restauro architettonico, Utet, Torino 1996, vol. 2°
G. CARBONARA, Restauro dei Monumenti. Guida agli elaborati grafici, Liguori, Napoli 1990
-For point C:
Raccomandazioni Normal 1/88, Alterazioni macroscopiche dei materiali lapidei: lessico, CNR-ICR, Roma 1988
M. MATTEINI, A. MOLES, Scienza e restauro, Nardini, Firenze 1990 (I ed.1984)
L.M. MONACO, A. SANTAMARIA, Indagini, prove e monitoraggio nel restauro degli edifici storici. Guida pratica al rilievo e alla diagnostica, ESI, Napoli 1998
C. ARCOLAO, La diagnosi nel restauro architettonico. Tecniche, procedure, protocolli, Marsilio, Venezia 2008
-For points D, E_
G. MASSARI, Il risanamento igienico dei locali umidi, Hoepli, Milano 1981
L. LAZZARINI, M. LAURENZI TABASSO, Il restauro della pietra, CEDAM, Padova 1986
S. TINÈ, La pratica del restauro, Milano 1988
Raccomandazioni Normal 1/88, Alterazioni macroscopiche dei materiali lapidei: lessico, CNR-ICR, Roma 1988
G. TAMPONE, Il restauro delle strutture in legno, Hoepli, Milano 1996
G. CIGNI, Il consolidamento murario. Tecniche di intervento, Kappa, Roma 1997 (I ediz. 1978)
C. CONTI, G. MARTINES, C. USAI, Gli interventi di conservazione su materiali e superfici, in G. CARBONARA (a cura di), Trattato di restauro architettonico, Utet, Torino 1996, vol. 3°
L. BARUCHELLO, G. ASSENZA, Diagnosi dei dissesti e consolidamento delle costruzioni. Manuale pratico, Roma, D.E.I. – Tipografia del Genio Civile, 1998
G. Croci, Conservazione e restauro strutturale dei beni architettonici, Utet, Torino 2001
S. FRANCESCHI, L. GERMANI, Manuale operativo per il restauro architettonico, Roma, D.E.I. – Tipografia del Genio Civile, 2003
P. ROCCHI (a cura di), Trattato sul consolidamento, Mancosu, Roma 2003
E. Giuriani, Consolidamento degli edifici storici, in G. Carbonara (a cura di ) Trattato di Restauro Architettonico, Utet, Torino 2011
S. FRANCESCHI, L. GERMANI, Il degrado dei materiali nell’edilizia. Cause e valutazioni delle patologie, Dei, Roma 2012
* Additional bibliographical indications will be provided during the course according to the topics covered. For updates on the discipline and the comparison with restoration sites, on a building and urban scale, it is useful to consult the following magazines:
ANAΓKH, AR, Arkos, Bollettino d’Arte, Casabella, I Beni Culturali, Kermes, L’industria delle Costruzioni, Materiali e Strutture, Opus, Paesaggio urbano, Palladio, Recuperare, Recuperare l’Edilizia, Recupero & conservazione, Restauro, Restauro & Città, Ricerche di Storia dell’Arte, Storia Architettura, Storia Urbana, TeMa, V&D.