Development of the idea of nation in Italy which during the twentieth century favored the emergence of new institutional and party structures, as well as the evolution of the relationship between state and religious institutions, also through the growth of the function performed by the literacy process in the construction of national identity
Training objectives:
The module aims to delve into some significant moments of our national history, both in relation to the formation of a new vision of the State, and through the study of institutional forces and components that are important in the moment of political reflection and which have influenced daily life.
Reference texts:
1) S. Colarizi, Storia politica della Repubblica 18943-2006, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2013 (IV ed.).
2) C. Della Penna, Sentieri e incroci. Storia civile e religiosa nell'Italia meridionale, Congedo editore, Galatina (LE) 2019
3) C. Della Penna, L’istruzione classica in Abruzzo in età liberale (1861-1900), Tinari, Villamagna (CH), 2003
Teaching methods:
Frontal lesson
Learning assessment methods:
Oral examination