"Roman and society nineteenth-twentieth-twenty-first centuries.
The novel and its characters: visions of man and the world. "
The novel presents the emergence of a subjectivity that, between faith in progress and disenchantment, is a fundamental figure of the consciousness of disorder and rupture. In search of theoretical models - political, historical or aesthetic - capable of accounting for the radical experience of discontinuity, of rupture in its most varied forms, his narrative fictions put them in perspective to question them even in the questioning the company itself and its standards. One will wonder what it is when these fictions are written by women.
George Sand, Indiana, Folio, éd. Béatrice Didier, Paris, Gallimard.
Émile Zola, Thérèse Raquin, Paris, Le Livre de Poche (trad. it.: Teresa Raquin, a cura di G.-A. Bertozzi, Roma, Lucarini, 1990).
Marguerite Yourcenar, Un homme obscur, Paris, Gallimard.
G.-A. Bertozzi, Retour à Zanzibar, Valencia, El Doctor Sax (dernière édition).