The forms of the short narrative
The course aims to introduce different forms that the short narrative acquires in the Italian literature: the novel, the fable, the dialog, the short story and, in some sense, the theatrical text. The investigation will give the chance to introduce some of the fundamental authors of our literary history (Boccaccio, Firenzuola, Bandello, Tasso, Basile, Gozzi, Leopardi, Verga, D’Annunzio, Pirandello, etc.) analysing some works and at the same time focusing on the text`s structural characteristic in relation with the peculiar characteristic of the genres.
The course intends to give a general picture, and at the same time precise, of the literary history of the genres of short narratives, giving light to the formal, stylistic, linguistic and structural characteristics.
Texts to study:
A. Bernardelli, Che cos'è la narrazione, Carocci 2019.
E. Menetti (a c. di), Le forme brevi della narrativa, Carocci 2019
It is required to examine in depth the historical and biographical part of the authors in question (on any manual)
Mandatory readings:
G. Boccaccio, Decameron, a c. di Quondam-Fiorilla-Alfano, BUR 2013 (5 novellas to choose)
G. Basile, Lo cunto de li cunti, Garzanti 2007 (3 texts to choose)
G. Leopardi, Operette morali, a c. di L. Melosi, BUR 2008 (5 operette to choose)
G. Verga, Vita dei campi (any guided edition) o L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno (any edition-5 novellas to choose)
Additional didactic material and more detailed informations are given at the beginning of the course.