The course will focus on aspects of language, linguistics and translation.
In terms of language skills, the formal study of the morphological, syntactic and lexical structures acquired during the first year will be deepened, and the student's skills will be refined on the receptive side (reading, oral and written comprehension, translation) and production (interaction and production oral, written production and interaction), with a view to reaching level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
In the monographic part of the course, linguistic texts will be addressed, in order to gain a deeper understanding of some characteristic phenomena of the French language, and to train students in the understanding and analysis of technical texts in the language (common path for L11-L12 students) .
The monographic course, specific for students of L12 (at whose attendance L11 students are also admitted and invited), will focus on aspects relating to the theory and practice of translation from French into Italian and from Italian into French. In-depth material and exercises will be provided in class and made available in photocopy.
- BESCHERELLE, La conjugaison pour tous, Paris, Hatier (ultima edizione);
- BESCHERELLE, L’orthographe pour tous, Paris, Hatier (ultima edizione);
- Le Nouveau Petit Robert. Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française, Paris, Le Robert (ultima edizione);
- Raoul BOCH, Dizionario francese/italiano, italiano/francese, Bologna, Zanichelli (ultima edizione);
- Raoul BOCH, La boîte à images. Dizionario fraseologico delle locuzioni francesi, Bologna, Zanichelli (ultima edizione).
Si consiglia vivamente la lettura della stampa francese online.
Modalità di valutazione
Prove in itinere.
Prova finale scritta e/o orale.
Gli studenti frequentanti che avranno superato le prove in itinere dovranno sostenere solo la parte orale dell’esame.
For all students (L11-L12)
- Françoise BIDAUD, Grammaire du français pour italophones, Torino, UTET, 2012
- É. Benveniste, Structure des relations de personne dans le verbe, in Id., Problèmes de linguistique generale [1966], I, Paris, Gallimard, 2010, pp. 225-236
- É. Benveniste, Les relations de temps dans le verbe français, in Id., Problèmes de linguistique générale [1966], I, Paris, Gallimard, pp. 237-250
- L. Guilbert, Théorie du néologisme, in <>, Année 1973 25 pp. 9-29
For L12 students:
- J. Podeur, Jeux de traduction-Giochi di traduzione, Napoli, Liguori, 2009
- Exemptions (will be made available in photocopy at the beginning of the second semester)
For non-attending students (L12)
In addition to the texts for attendees it is recommended to read:
- J. Podeur, La pratica della traduzione. Dal francese all’italiano e dall’italiano in francese, Naples, Liguori, 1993 (or later editions)
Grammatical content:
Le groupe du nom: syntaxe de l’article, syntaxe du substantif, syntaxe de l’adjectif qualificatif, syntaxe des adjectifs et des pronoms possessifs, syntaxe des adjectifs et des pronoms démonstratifs, syntaxe des pronoms personnels, syntaxe du pronom relatif, syntaxe des adjectifs et des pronoms définis
Le groupe du verbe: emploi des temps et des modes (indicatif, subjonctif et conditionnel), participe présent, adjectif verbal, gérondif, accord du participe passé, syntaxe de l’infinitif, constructions impersonnelles
Les mots invariables: syntaxe de l’adverbe, prépositions, Ce/il + être
La phrase complexe: subordonnée interrogative indirecte, subordonnée relative, subordonnée complément d’objet, subordonnée de temps, subordonnée de cause, subordonnée de but, subordonnée de condition, subordonnée de conséquence, subordonnée de comparaison, coordination des subordonnées
Communication content:
Follow and understand the main points of a discussion that relates to yourself; express and ask for personal points of view and opinions; clarify the central idea that you want to pass; flexibly use simple linguistic forms, managing to make one's thoughts understood; cope with the problems of everyday life; being able to organize a trip or cope with situations that arise during a trip; intervene in a conversation on topics with which you are familiar; take messages that contain specific requests for information or explain problems; provide concrete information requested in an interview.
- BESCHERELLE, La conjugaison pour tous, Paris, Hatier (ultima edizione);
- BESCHERELLE, L’orthographe pour tous, Paris, Hatier (ultima edizione);
- Le Nouveau Petit Robert. Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française, Paris, Le Robert (ultima edizione);
- Raoul BOCH, Dizionario francese/italiano, italiano/francese, Bologna, Zanichelli (ultima edizione);
- Raoul BOCH, La boîte à images. Dizionario fraseologico delle locuzioni francesi, Bologna, Zanichelli (ultima edizione).
Reading the French press online is highly recommended.
Final written and / or oral exam.
Attending students who have passed the ongoing tests will have to take only the oral part of the exam.